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Archive for the ‘Urban Planning’ Category

DRIVEN APART: How Sprawl Is Lengthening Our Commutes and Why Misleading Mobility Measures Are Making Things Worse

Thursday, September 30th, 2010
Charlotte vs. Chicago

CEOs for Cities
The secret to reducing the amount of time Americans spend in peak hour traffic has more to do with how we build our cities than how we build our roads. While peak hour travel is a perennial headache for many Americans — peak hour travel times average 200 hours a year in large metropolitan areas — some cities have managed to achieve shorter travel times and actually reduce the peak hour travel times. The key is that some metropolitan areas have land use patterns and transportation systems that enable their residents to take shorter trips and minimize the burden of peak hour travel.

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Relationships Between Streetcars and the Built Environment

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Streetcar Cover

In the past 20 years, numerous cities have planned and implemented new rail transit systems. This movement has coincided with other urban regeneration trends, bringing new life to urban centers and advancing strategies to manage growth that promote more efficient patterns of development. Various forms of heavy rail, light rail, and streetcar systems have been built, many with robust ridership and popularity, owing to a rediscovery of this form of transportation, as well as concerns about growing traffic congestion, volatile fuel prices, and climate change.

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Tuesday, September 28th, 2010
Central Corridor Light Rail: This image shows how the Central Corridor LRT trains will turn from 12th Street onto Cedar Street and head south toward downtown St. Paul. The Minnesota Capitol is in the background.

Stressed public budgets and delayed passage of long-term federal funding have taken a toll on many transportation infrastructure projects in the United States during the last year. Nevertheless, many significant projects are moving ahead. The inaugural CE News Transportation Projects Roadmap lists 50 notable transportation infrastructure projects in the United States — ranked by estimated cost — that are currently in some stage of planning, design, or early construction. The list includes 21 road/highway/bridge projects, 17 rail/transit projects, seven port/waterway projects, and five airport projects…
-CE News

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Vote for America’s best transportation project of 2010

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
Missouri Department of Transportation The I-64 St. Louis Project involved limited funds, an expedited construction schedule, and a coordinated public outreach campaign to allay public concern and minimize the potential impact on motorists. In December 2009, I-64 reopened to traffic nearly one month early and $11 million under budget.

Ten finalists, announced today by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), AAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are competing for the 2010 America’s Transportation Awards. The National Transportation Award will be decided by a panel of judges, but the People’s Choice Award will be decided by popular vote. Online voting starts today and ends October 18th, 2010.

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Keeping ARC on Track: A Message from Regional Plan Association

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Over the weekend, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie abruptly halted work on the Access to the Region’s Core (ARC) project, saying he needed greater assurances that the $8.7 billion commuter rail tunnel under the Hudson River could be delivered on budget. This has left transit advocates and New Jersey commuters wondering if the Governor is focused on reducing costs, or whether he intends to cancel one of the nation’s most important transit improvements. We’re all waiting with bated breath.

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September 24th: New York State Transportation Summit

Thursday, September 16th, 2010
Transportation Summit

The New York Transportation Summit, 2010 & Beyond will gather leaders from public agencies and private industry to discuss upcoming major infrastructure and development initiatives as well as explore partnership models that will take New York into a new transportation era.

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Climate Change and Bicycling: How bicycling advocates can help craft comprehensive Climate Action Plans

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Bicycling advocates can help shape Climate Action Plans to include pro‐bicycling policies. Using case studies and examples from existing plans, this report examines: 1. how pro‐bicycling policies have been written into the Climate Action Plans of states, cities, and universities, 2. examples of plans that include bicycling, 3. how bicycling advocates can best support these efforts, and 4. how to ensure that governments follow through on the promises made in their plans.

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Aerial Video: Ninety Six, SC High School Construction

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Things are beginning to take shape as construction continues on the new school campus that will replace both Ninety Six High School and Edgewood Middle School. Video was taken from my ParkZone Radian remote control electric sailplane with a Sony Webbie MHS-PM1.
-96cats1982 on YouTube

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Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The 2nd Annual North American Strategic Infrastructure Forum will take place at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., September 29-October 1.

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Weaving Together Vibrant Communities through Transit-Oriented Development

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
TOD Strategies

Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a community development model focused on nurturing healthy people and places and better connecting them to one another through a robust, “multimodal” transportation network. At its core, TOD is about connecting, or reconnecting, the fabric of our communities— imagine a quilt, if you will—where neighborhoods and places of varying shapes, colors, sizes and textures are integrated into a vibrant and cohesive region. Implementing equitable TOD involves rethinking the current paradigm, where a person’s zip code can determine important outcomes such as educational attainment or employment opportunities.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure