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Archive for the ‘Local’ Category

Cascades, OR: Oregon DOT Clearing Snow

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

The Oregon Department of Transportation’s Santiam Junction crew works to clear U.S. 20 and Oregon 22 in the Cascades on Jan. 15, 2012 – OregonDOT on YouTube

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King County, WA: Updating Waste Management Infrastructure

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

The King County Solid Waste Division is building a new transfer station at Bow Lake in Tukwila, has completed unique updates at the Houghton station in Kirkland and plans are under development for a new station in Factoria in Bellevue.

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Illinois to Missouri: The New Mississippi River Bridge

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Construction work on the Mississippi River Bridge project has begun.The new Mississippi River Bridge is the first bridge built connecting downtown St. Louis and southwestern Illinois in more than 40 years. Currently, the only urban interstate bridge between Illinois and Missouri is the Poplar Street Bridge, known locally as the PSB. The PSB is one […]

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Great American Infrastructure: Redridge Steel Dam

Monday, January 16th, 2012
Great American Infrastructure: Redridge Steel Dam

This is the thirteenth in a series of entries celebrating infrastructure achievements in the United States.

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Lewiston, NY: Niagara Gorge – Robert Moses Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Filmed near the location of the Devils Hole Massacre, September 14, 1763. The Robert Moses Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station is a hydroelectric power station in Lewiston, New York near Niagara Falls, New York, United States. The plant diverts water from Niagara River above Niagara Falls and returns the water into the lower portion of the […]

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March 7th-9th, Washington DC: 5th Annual Transportation & Infrastructure Convention

Friday, January 13th, 2012
Transportation Summit

From TransportationSummit: The purpose of the Convention is to educate policy makers on the current transportation and infrastructure issues at the local, state, and national levels. The Convention brings together the leading transportation and infrastructure officials from the current Administration, Congress, and State legislatures, providing us the opportunity to dialogue personally with those who have […]

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Mesquite, NV: I-15 Bridge Slide

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

Uploaded by NVDOT on YouTube.
See how the Nevada Department of Transportation and our contracting partners are using acclerated bridge construction and a bridge slide to improve the I-15 interchance 120 in west Mesquite.

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Chicago, IL: The Grant Park Bike Tunnel

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Bike Tunnel under xxx Drive in Grant Park Chicago – MchaelStavy on YouTube.

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ACCESS Magazine: Issue 39

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012
Retrofitting the Suburbs to Increase Walking

During the last half of the 20th century, cities and towns across America were built primarily for one transportation mode: the automobile. Much of this development occurred on the urban periphery, creating the suburbs that are now home to more Americans than either traditional central cities or small towns. Today, while federal transportation policies and urban planners have shifted toward promoting a more multi-modal form of development, the legacy of the postwar era remains: thousands of suburban neighborhoods poorly served by any mode of transportation other than the automobile.

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Huron, OH: ConAgra Building Demolition

Monday, January 9th, 2012

A demolition of the ConAgra building in Huron Ohio. – VinillaVlogs on YouTube

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure