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Archive for the ‘Broadband’ Category

Local government officials will appreciate this funding

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024

Jan. 24th 2024 | by Mary Scott Nabers  I want to bring to your attention a sector of a federally funded program that I believe is not receiving adequate attention. The program facilitates local projects that public officials wish to launch. The Treasury Department administers the Facilities Grant Program, which is awarding grant funding to support the […]

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$492 billion in infrastructure funding remains to be allocated… but it all ends in 2026

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

by Mary Scott Nabers Two years after the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also called the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), an estimated $492 billion remains in federal funding for American infrastructure projects. However, it is crucial to note that there’s a ticking clock because the remaining funding is allocated solely for use […]

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Smart City competitionꟷ one of the best ways possible to showcase successful public private partnerships

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

by Mary Scott Nabers The pace of change in our world is so rapid that just acknowledging the evolutionary advances can be challenging. But one trend that should not be overlooked is the growth occurring in urban areas of America. There’s a significant shift in where people choose to live and urban officials are struggling fiercely […]

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2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

Monday, March 8th, 2021
2021 ASCE Report Card

Voters and lawmakers alike have championed smart infrastructure policy and increased investment in our multimodal freight system, drinking water networks, and more. This down payment on our infrastructure bill has contributed to modest but meaningful improvements.

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Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure

Monday, July 30th, 2018

Authors: Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Carol Barford, Paul Barford, University of Oregon, University of Wisconsin – Madison Abstract In this paper we consider the risks to Internet infrastructure in the US due to sea level rise. Our study is based on sea level incursion projections from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Internet infrastructure deployment […]

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Blind Eyes See ‘Crumbling’ American Infrastructure

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018

Written by Trey Trimble, CTO, Transportation Safety Apparel, Inc. First we had canals. Then we made trains. Cars and planes followed shortly after. Then we landed on the moon. Our cities grew, our states were connected, and American infrastructure was in a golden age. Today, our infrastructure is mottled by drinking water crises, bridge collapses […]

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Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Our Digital Infrastructure

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018
Server - Broadband growth in the USA

Many people take the physical aspects of the internet for granted. Some would believe it’s purely non-physical, like some sort of digital magic. While this may appear to be true, the internet is a physical entity that snakes its way through our walls and in vast cable networks beneath streets, railways, and oceans. As technology advances, we need to acknowledge the physical limitations of our current digital infrastructure and consider the steps necessary to continue meeting the demands we place on the internet. Here are some major trends within our digital infrastructure as well as a look at what the future will bring.

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Broadband in Schools: Fulfilling Our Promise to America’s Students

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017

In 2017, the progress made possible by E-rate modernization continued, reducing the number of students without high-speed Internet access by 5.1 million and the number of schools without 21st-century broadband infrastructure by 45%, thereby setting the stage for the nation to deliver on our promise of digital equity by 2020.

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Signs of Digital Distress: Mapping Broadband Availability and Subscription in America

Monday, September 18th, 2017
Brookings Institution: Broadband Access in America

BROOKINGS INSTITUTION METROPOLITAN POLICY PROGRAM Executive Summary The internet is now a fundamental component of the American economy, creating new ways to educate, employ, bring services to, and entertain every person. Broadband, especially wireline broadband in American homes, is the essential infrastructure for unlocking the internet’s economic benefits. However, broadband infrastructure is far from ubiquitous, […]

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Communications Infrastructure Upgrade: The Need for Deep Fiber

Thursday, July 13th, 2017
Deloitte: Communications infrastructure upgrade The need for deep fiber

Unlocking the full potential of 5G in the United States rests on a key assumption: the extension of fiber deep into the network. Despite the demand and potential economic benefits of fiber deployment, the United States lacks the fiber density in access networks to make the bandwidth advancements necessary to improve the pace of innovation and economic growth. Increased speed and capacity from 5G will rely on higher frequencies and network densification. Carriers will deploy many more small cells, homespots, and hotspots in higher bands, with a coverage radius measured in meters versus kilometers. Without more deep fiber, carriers will be unable to support the projected four-fold increase in mobile data traffic between 2016 and 2021.

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