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MnDOT: St. Croix Crossing Sunrise Timelapse

Posted by Content Coordinator on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Sunrise over the St. Croix Crossing, summer 2016. St. Croix Crossing connects Oak Park Heights, MN and St. Joseph, WI. The structure over the St. Croix River is expected to open in 2017.

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Blades of Glory: An Mini Doc

Posted by Infra on Monday, July 11th, 2016

In this short documentary, we follow three collegiate teams who are participating in this year’s U.S. Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition in New Orleans. Learn about their experiences and why the competition is important for America’s clean energy future.

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Thom Hartmann: Why Can’t We Unite About Our Crumbling Infrastructure?

Posted by Infra on Friday, July 8th, 2016

Thom talks to caller Bob about the fact that we should all be upset by our national need to invest in infrastructure.

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ASCE: Our Nation’s Infrastructure Bill is Overdue and It’s Costing You

Posted by Content Coordinator on Thursday, July 7th, 2016

The American Society of Civil Engineers’ “Failure to Act: Closing the Infrastructure Investment Gap for America’s Economic Future” economic study finds that our nation’s inadequate infrastructure is costing your family $3,400 a year. Watch the video to learn more about how underinvesting in infrastructure comes at a high cost.

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Seattle, WA: Workers Inside the SR 99 Tunneling Machine

Posted by Infra on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

This video was provided by Ballard Marine Construction, the firm in charge of managing and performing hyperbaric work on the SR 99 Tunnel Project in Seattle. It shows crews at work behind the SR 99 tunneling machine’s cutterhead during a planned maintenance stop in spring 2016. To stabilize soil and water that would otherwise flow through openings in the cutterhead, crews must pump compressed air into their work space at the front end of the machine.

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Montgomery County, NC: WiFi En Route

Posted by Infra on Monday, July 4th, 2016

In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education awarded Montgomery County Schools an Investing in Innovation (i3) Fund grant. With funding from the grant and additional support from partners,Curriculum Associates, Golden LEAF Foundation and Dream Builders Communications, the school system launched a new initiative, “A Culture Creating Effective Systems for Success” (ACCESS). Montgomery County Schools started a one device per student (1:1) program and outfitted eight buses with WiFi hotspots.

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Minnesota DOT: The Noise Wall Video

Posted by Content Coordinator on Friday, July 1st, 2016

MnDOT details the Who, What, Where and Why of noise walls. Are they right for your community?

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Philadelphia’s The Porch Swings!

Posted by Infra on Thursday, June 30th, 2016

As anyone who knows me, I am a huge fan of really relaxing spaces to sit. Public space not only should be inviting, pretty, clean and artistic, but increasingly a place to spend time and sit. And not just sit – but relax, meditate and maybe unexpectedly doze off if you want.

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Atlanta, GA: Making a Visible Difference in the Proctor Creek Watershed Through Information and Data

Posted by Content Coordinator on Monday, June 27th, 2016

Description: EPA is working to bring focused attention and coordinated action in more than 50 environmentally overburdened, underserved, and economically distressed communities. This involves listening to community leaders and residents to understand their needs and then working with local, state and other federal partners to leverage our collective resources in support of local goals. In […]

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Utah DOT: Talking Orange – Active Transportation

Posted by Infra on Friday, June 24th, 2016

Heidi Goedhart, UDOT’s Active Transportation Manager, helps us understand what “Active Transportation” means to Utah. She talks about UDOT’s programs to keep cyclists and pedestrians safe on Utah roads, and also discusses what we are doing to promote safety in alternative modes of transportation. Road Respect and Head’s Up are two of the programs Heidi discusses.

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Dear Friends,


It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


We have already engaged nearly 280,000 users, and hoping to add many more as interest continues to grow.


We require your support in order to rise to this occasion, to make the most of this opportunity. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to


Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure