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Archive for the ‘Biking’ Category

Exploring Bicycle and Public Transit Use by Low-Income Latino Immigrants

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016
Figure 1. Mode Choice in the San Francisco Bay Area (weighted by population)

Immigration to the United States is growing. Over the next four decades, many immigrants will come from Latin America with few resources, relying on public transit, bicycling, and walking to meet their transportation needs. Previous research on low-income immigrant travel has relied on national surveys and qualitative analysis, which underrepresent disadvantaged population groups and slower modes of travel, or are unable to speak to broader patterns in the population. This study addresses additional research needs by exploring the travel behavior and experiences of low-income immigrants.

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Streetfilms: Why are New Yorkers bicycling to work in record numbers?

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

We thought with the newest NYC DOT data showing bicycling at an all-time high, it would be great time to ask bicyclists why they are riding their bikes more. Interestingly, the answers seemed to be grouped in three different categories: it is safer, it is healthy and MTA is falling apart.

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New Principles for Our Transportation Program

Thursday, May 12th, 2016
Century Foundation: New Principles for Our Transportation Program

The next president will need to create a true and comprehensive vision of America’s transportation infrastructure, a program to pursue that vision, and honest mechanisms to fund it. This report addresses the new principles that should serve as a foundation for a future transportation program that will enable America to meet its potential.

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Infographic: National Protected Bike Lane Week 2016

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

Protected bike lanes are the biggest new thing in years for helping more Americans enjoy time on two wheels…That’s why, starting today, cities around the United States are celebrating National Protected Bike Lane Week. And it’s why we created this infographic summarizing all the great things protected bike lanes can do — not just for people who bike, but for everyone.

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Cycling in the City: Cycling Trends in NYC

Monday, May 9th, 2016
Percent of Adult New Yorkers who Ride a Bike (NYC DOHMH)

Understanding who is biking in New York City and how often they ride is incredibly valuable, but cycling demographics and trends are very challenging to evaluate. Historically, evaluation of cyclist activity in New York City was centered on counting the number of bicycles entering and exiting the core. However, cycling has grown and matured dramatically as a mode of transportation since the first counts were conducted in 1980. New Yorkers are using bikes for a much wider variety of trips, making it even more difficult to assess bicycle use in the City.

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Streetfilms: The Pulaski Bridge Protected Bike Path Is (Finally) Open!

Friday, May 6th, 2016

The Pulaski Bridge had become dangerously congested over the last few years as more and more bikes, pedestrians and runners have crammed on to its narrow shared path. The solution? Remove one lane of the roadway and give the space to a bi-directional cycle track giving the older combo lane to the exclusive use of pedestrians.

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Best Complete Streets Policies of 2015

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016
Figure 1: Number of Complete Streets policies nationwide, 2005–2015

In 2015, communities passed a total of 82 Complete Streets policies. These laws, resolutions, agency policies, and planning and design documents establish a process for selecting, funding, planning, designing, and building transportation projects that allow safe access for everyone, regardless of age, ability, income or ethnicity, and no matter how they travel.

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Bike-Share Stations in the U.S.

Friday, April 8th, 2016
FIGURE 1. Bike-Share Connectivity to Scheduled Public Transportation

Bike-share systems typically operate independently of local transit authorities. However, most bike-share docking stations (86.3 percent) can be found near local public transportation stops (transit bus, commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail, and transit ferry). These locations offer modal choice and the opportunity to connect between modes. Transit bus is the most typical connection, with 84.2 percent (2,236) of bike-share stations located a block or less from a transit bus stop.

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Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier

Friday, April 1st, 2016
Four Ways Protected Bike Lanes Boost Economic Growth

Active transportation was, until recently, the forgotten mode of travel. However, in recent years, investments in infrastructure that accommodates those who walk and ride bicycles have begun to reshape communities. Sometimes called “nonmotorized transportation,” active transportation involves human-powered activity, primarily walking and bicycling.

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Richmond, VA: Bicycle Infrastructure Report

Friday, March 25th, 2016
Total Bikeway Miles By Year

THE FUTURE OF BICYCLING IN THE RICHMOND REGION LOOKS BRIGHT. New plans for building a network of bikeways in the region provide a strong foundation for connecting people of all ages and abilities who want or need to ride a bike.

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Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure