I like a good bike lane. They separate me from cars when I’m on my bike and make me feel safer than riding in traffic. But they’re not perfect. Cars and delivery trucks will block them. Sometimes drivers open their doors into the bike lane without looking. And they don’t feel safe enough for most people. If we want more people to bike, we have to build better bike infrastructure, and the good news is that this is starting to happen here in the US, believe it or not. But we need to make this happen faster.
Download your free Rethinking Streets guides here: http://rethinkingstreets.com
A. http://www.northeastern.edu/peter.fur…
B. http://ec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/p…
C. http://bikeleague.org/sites/default/f…
D. https://dutchcycling.nl/news/310-dutc…
Produced by Dave Amos in sunny Sacramento, California.
Edited by Eric Schneider in cloudy Cleveland, Ohio.
–City Beautiful on YouTube
Tags: bike infrastructure, Bike Lanes, City Beautiful, Cycling, Rethinking Streets for Bikes, safety