More Poor Commuters Choose Cycling
Increased bicyle infrastructure doesn’t just favor the high-end cyclist; “things that make bike commutes appeal to rich and middle-class workers also seem to make them appeal to poor workers”
(People For Bikes)
Taxing Corporate Buses
A step in the right direction, but perhaps $1 is too small ” to stop the protests or quell the animosity fueled by the sleek private buses.”
(SF Gate)
California Leads in Driver Safety
“California ranks among the top 10 states nationally in a new study of motorist safety laws.”
(Sacramento Bee)
Ford Rethinking the Role of Cars
Could cheaper cars be the answer to encouraging more young drivers to buy or is urban expansion changing the game entirely?
(DC Streetsblog)
Philadelphia Web Developer Hopes to Help Commuters
SEPTA trains are consistent. Too bad they’re consistently late.
(NBC 10 Philadelphia)
Tags: California, cars, corporate buses, cyclists, DC Streetsblog, Ford, SEPTA, SF Gate