Innovation NewsBriefs
Vol. 24, No. 1
As we enter the New Year (and begin our 24th year of publication), the debate about transportation funding is taking a new turn. Talk of raising the federal gas tax has become muted and even the efficacy of the gas tax itself is being questioned. And no wonder: vehicles are becoming more fuel efficient, CAFE standards are becoming more stringent, vehicle use is leveling off, and hybrids and electric vehicles are expected to slowly but surely increase their market penetration.
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Tags: C. Kenneth Orski, Highway Trust Fund, Kentucky, KY, MA, MAP-21, Maryland, Massachusetts, MI, Michigan, Missouri, MO, OR, Oregon, PA, Pennsylvania, Tappan Zee Bridge, WA, Washington State, WI, Wisconsin, WY, Wyoming
Posted in
Accountability, Aging Infrastructure, Congestion, Economic Stimulus, Funding, Guest Post, Highway, Innovation Newsbriefs, National, Policy, Public Transportation, Roads, Sustainability, Tax, The Infra Blog
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