TxDOT Executive Director LtGen Joe Weber, USMC (Ret) delivers an important safety message for all Texans during severe weather. Never try to cross a road covered with water and turn around, don’t drown.
View this complete post...John Hennessy III,
TxDOT Executive Director LtGen Joe Weber, USMC (Ret) delivers an important safety message for all Texans during severe weather. Never try to cross a road covered with water and turn around, don’t drown.
View this complete post...Erik Steavens is a twenty-year transportation professional with a diverse background in multimodal transportation. For the past two years, he has managed his own firm, TIP Consultants, to assist public and private sector clients in navigating through the complex transportation funding and implementation environment. Previously, Steavens was the division director of intermodal programs for the Georgia Department of Transportation, where he managed the state’s rail, transit, aviation and port interests.
“Certainly we have been blessed with corridors in Texas that have the potential for the ridership and revenue growth that could sustain a high-speed rail operation…There are very few places in the country that could make those claims. So we are optimistic. We are hopeful that we can help facilitate a project that could be a true game changer for Texas.”
View this complete post...Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. As always subject to minor changes including final aesthetics. Since its construction some 40 years ago, LBJ Freeway (I-635) has become one of the most congested and crowded roadways in the nation. Beginning in 2011, LBJ and a portion of I-35E will undergo a dramatic, 5-year transformation. Here is what […]
View this complete post...This animation provides an overview of the proposed Loop 375 Border Highway West Extension Project in the El Paso District. The project is still under environmental study and designs have not been finalized. For more information, visit: http://txdot.gov/inside-txdot/projects/studies/el-paso/border-highway-west.html. –TxDOTpio on YouTube.
Restoring vegetative cover on disturbed or engineered soils following roadway construction is a minor part of the overall workload of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). But the resultant plant communities that exist along Texas’ 80,000 miles of roadways may well be the most visible and cared about portion of a roadway to many members of the public, natural resource managers, and especially adjacent landowners.
“Our state has been a leader in this area,” Texas Department of Transportation Executive Director Amadeo Saenz recently told AASHTO’s Transportation TV. “These partnerships between states and a private companies are allowing TxDOT to build several major projects that otherwise would not be built. By moving these projects forward, we can eliminate traffic congestion, give our citizens shorter commutes, and create jobs.”
View this complete post...TxDOTBeaumont on YouTube: What is the future for highway construction and transportation in Southeast Texas? Texas faces many transportation funding challenges in the years to come. TxDOT, state lawmakers and industry leaders are working to come up with ways of keeping our highway system one of the best in the world. This video, produced by […]
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