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Posts Tagged ‘Congress’

Guest on The Infra Blog: Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Ranking Member, House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee

Wednesday, July 20th, 2016
Congressman Peter DeFazio

In 2014, DeFazio was elected to the powerful position of Ranking Member on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, which has jurisdiction over the Coast Guard, highways and transit, water resources, railroads, aviation, and economic development.

“[Citizens] need to speak up, speak out. They need to contact their members of congress, their senators. They need to particularly weigh in in an election year and, go to a debate, or ask them a question as publicly as you can, ‘what are you going to do to fix Americas infrastructure?'”

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Monumental Issues: Talking Infrastructure with Ed Mortimer

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Ed Mortimer, Executive Director of Transportation Infrastructure at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, talks about America’s infrastructure needs.

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Ranking Member DeFazio speaks on House floor on investment in transportation

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) addresses the house floor on issues of transportation infrastructure. “So now I’ve taken to calling us 4th world,” said DeFazio. “We used to be the world’s leader in infrastructure and now we’re vaulting over everybody, including places like Zimbabwe, to the back of the pack.”

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ACEC’s ENGINEERING INC. — 2016 Legislative Outlook: Hopeful Signs

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Presidential election cycles represent opportunities for big changes—at least that’s what candidates promise in their stump speeches. In reality, the months leading up to voting day are often characterized by inaction, especially in an era when representatives from both political parties are more focused on waging political battles rather than passing needed legislation.

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Twelve Innovations in Transportation Policy States Should Consider in 2016

Friday, January 29th, 2016
A note on state funding

To remain economically competitive, states must invest in infrastructure. States are also well positioned to be incubators of innovative transportation policy and funding solutions. Recent history shows willingness by state legislatures — regardless of political party — to step up and provide the necessary resources to invest in transportation systems. With 12 states successfully taking action in 2015, last year had the largest number of increases in state transportation funding since Transportation for America began tracking this phenomenon several years ago.

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The Highway Bill: A Realistic Appraisal of its Year-End Prospects

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

Innovation Newsbriefs
Vol. 26, No. 7
Congress has approved and the President has signed a three-month extension of the federal highway program through October 29 —but with enough funding ($8 billion) to keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent through December. When the lawmakers reconvene in September, attention will shift to the bigger struggle over how to craft and pay for a long term highway bill.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Geoffrey Anderson, President and CEO, Smart Growth America

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015
Geoffrey Anderson - Photo by Aimee Custis,

Geoffrey Anderson is the President and CEO of Smart Growth America. Named by Partners for Livable Communities as “One of the 100 Most Influential Leaders in Sustainable Community Planning and Development,” Geoff came to his current position after eight years heading the Smart Growth Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“It is amazing to see what local governments and states have done, and how much they have responded. Some of that is amazing in terms of their pro-activeness, and then some is less amazing because it’s become so desperate that they really had to do something, and unlike Congress, they didn’t have the luxury of kicking the issue off another two years without thinking about the longer term.”

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Dr. Ernest Moniz, United States Secretary of Energy

Thursday, May 28th, 2015
Dr. Ernest Moniz on The Infra Blog

As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment.

“What we have to do right now is make the investments in building and re-building the energy infrastructure that will be appropriate for the next decades ahead. That will include building infrastructure that is resilient against a whole variety of risks, but it also involves opportunity: the issue in the long term of transitioning to a low-carbon economy, and a tremendous increase in renewables, for example.”

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America’s Infrastructure is Key to Good Jobs, Economic Security and Quality of Life

Thursday, May 21st, 2015
Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO

Written by Richard L. Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO
Previous generations built an American infrastructure that was the envy of the world. Since then, we’ve been coasting on the wise investments made decades ago. Now it’s our turn to step up and rebuild that foundation so future generations can have the same opportunities we had…The path forward is not easy or pain free. There are no silver bullets, and ignoring our problems will not make them go away. Yet, while legislators wrestle with responsibly funding the necessary investments, the cost of inaction continues to rise.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Congressman Richard Hanna

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015
Congressman Richard Hanna

Congressman Richard Hanna was re-elected on Nov. 4, 2014 to represent the 22nd District of New York in the United States House of Representatives. Representative Hanna serves on three key committees for the 114th Congress, including the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, on which he is the senior New York Republican.

“People with the job that I have and the other people here have to have a vision of their own. We have to value transportation, value intermodal works and everything along with it. It’s our job to get out there and say, ‘Damn it, this is important.’”

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure