“Creative placemaking harnesses the power of arts and culture to allow for more genuine public engagement — particularly in low-income neighborhoods, communities of color and among immigrant populations — in the development of transportation projects.”
-James Corless, Director, Transportation for America
Transportation for America recently published The Scenic Route, a content-rich online guide to introduce the concept of “creative placemaking” to transportation professionals. The Scenic Route offers general information as well as specific approaches aiming to facilitate planners, public works agencies and local elected officials in utilizing the creative potential of their respective communities.
According to Corless, “the end results are streets, sidewalks and public spaces that welcome us, inspire us and move us in every sense of that word.”
Within the guide, you’ll find:
- Getting Started, defining creative placemaking and describing its benefits.
- Eight basic approaches to creative placemaking, outlining proven approaches like developing local leadership and marketing to cultivate ownership.
- Placemaking in Practice, detailing specific success stories in towns and cities across the United States.
Drawing from a deep pool of anecdotal evidence and scientific data, the guide assembles a strong case for a new approach to city planning–one that eliminates top-down infrastructure projects and incorporates the tastes, opinions, and cultural heritage of each community.
For more information, contact Transportation for America: placemaking@t4america.org
Tags: Creative Placemaking, James Corless, Online Guide, T4America, The Scenic Route, Transportation for America