Kathleen Mulligan-Hansel on The Infra Blog

Posted by Content Coordinator on Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Kathleen Mulligan-Hansel is the Deputy Director of The Partnership for Working Families. She has deep roots in accountable development work, having served as a founding co-chair and primary staff lead for the Good Jobs & Livable Neighborhoods coalition in Milwaukee while a coordinator of the Working Families Project at the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future. Under Kathleen’s leadership, Good Jobs & Livable Neighborhoods successfully campaigned for community benefits standards to be applied in the redevelopment of 16 acres of county-owned land. The resulting agreement — the Park East Redevelopment Compact (PERC) — was the first community benefits program to be passed as an ordinance through local government. In addition to political work, Kathleen has experience in CBA negotiations, welfare reform, public policy, research, recruitment, and training. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin.ous conversation and generate action to address the U.S. infrastructure crisis.

Kathleen Mulligan-Hansel:

The Partnership for Working Families
Lack of infra investment hurts low-income communities
The public needs to be engaged
Failing infra affects a large percentage of our population
Public services are under attack, and so is infrastructure

Full transcript available on The Infra Blog (https://www.infrastructureusa.org/category/blog)

YouTube Footage Courtesy:
nielsmiller, RandolphMaconAcademy, DavidLipscomb1, HanfordSite, aashtovideo, timjbd, youmovemass, fjohnwilcox, AutomobileHistoryUSA, johnskelson, whitehouse, Southeastern4204, thebluepointe, rts9100, Allen1628famm, vicvelazzy, globepequot, dannybishopdsm, siemens, SkylinesHD, lpainc, saschuma, jgilgun

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