Originally posted on Faster Better Safer, the blog of Americans for Transportation Mobility
After years of advocating for a historic infrastructure bill, the Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) Coalition is working to see that the newly unprecedented Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) remains a national priority through expedient implementation and impactful regional projects.
John Drake, Executive Director of the ATM, discusses the IIJA in this quick-hit “ATM Rewind” video about the importance of coalescing around improving the nation’s aged transportation network.
With its unique thrust of combining the voices of industry, labor and business, ATM reaches out to policymakers, Hill influencers, Americans and other important audiences through branded content. By focusing on how investment matters to rural, suburban and urban communities throughout the country, the Coalition stays on the pulse of why reliable federal infrastructure funding represents sound policy.
Tags: Americans for Transportation Mobility, ATM Rewind, FasterBetterSafer, John Drake