We’ve done a great job making our cities walkable and bike friendly. But James Siegal argues it’s time to think about the kids and build play directly into daily life, in parks, on sidewalks and even bus stops. Building playgrounds as oases is not enough — cities need to embrace playability and create a new generation of kids who can play until the sun goes down.
James Siegal is President of KaBOOM!, the national non-profit that seeks to give children the childhood they deserve filled with play. Prior to KaBOOM!, James served as Chief of Staff for the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that supports citizen engagement to address community challenges through AmeriCorps, the Social Innovation Fund and other programs.
–TEDx Talks on YouTube
Tags: James Siegal, KaBoom!, Playgrounds, TEDx, TEDx Talks, TEDxMidAtlantic, Video, YouTube