Another train accident takes lives and injures many. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation into Tuesday’s Amtrak derailment in Philadelphia, this tragedy necessitates serious infrastructure scrutiny.
We have seen too many terrible consequences of failing American infrastructure.
There was the horror of Katrina, thought by many (incorrectly) to be an anomaly, as levees and floodwater protection plans aren’t all that common to most Americans. The I-35W Bridge collapse was explained forensically, but still today thousands of other US bridges remain in questionable condition.
In addition to loss of life and injury – as if that was not sufficient – aging infrastructure hurts economic productivity and affects everyday activity. Congestion has become the “American Way of Life.” Inadequate and outdated public transit harshly impacts those least able to afford alternatives, and creates a dreadful daily experience for millions each workday. America’s infrastructure woes also affect water, power and so much more.
Everyone agrees that wasting our tax revenues is unacceptable. No one wants their elected officials to agree to fund poorly thought-out projects or those of marginal importance. But, aren’t we in favor of supporting the restoration of our nation’s infrastructure, and shouldn’t we be demanding federal action to support the efforts of states and municipalities that must face these issues every day?
The POLICY OF NO is no longer acceptable. Just saying “NO,” or just accepting “NO” from others, is ducking the responsibility that all Americans must assume. Of course we want quality education and healthcare, a military able to defend us, and so much more that makes our lives possible. But we can’t allow the backbones of our nation to continue to decay. We are becoming a nation at risk!
We need to repair what needs repairing, upgrade to the safest possible systems, and do all that we can to maintain the quality of our lives. Doesn’t it make sense that these most basic items should be included in our nation’s budget?
There are new train systems to lessen the risks of human error, and we need them right now. If precious water resources are being lost due to old, faulty delivery systems, or bridges deemed potentially hazardous, we need to address these challenges right away.
Our nation’s To Do List is long and will demand our investment. We need to move away from the POLICY OF NO—it’s time to GET REAL ABOUT FIXING THINGS.
Steve Anderson
Founder & Managing Director
Tags: Amtrak, Derailment, Disasters, Reauthorization, Steve Anderson