What if we could replace an entire bridge in a weekend?
What if we could repair a road by dropping a block of pavement into place at night, and keeping it open to traffic during the day?
What if we could close a highway completely so it can be fixed in just a fraction of the time it normally takes, while keeping traffic moving on alternate routes?
We can. The Highways for Life Program is working with its partners to show the highway community how to do it – and helping agenceies and industry get it done.
Highways for Life is a Federal Highway Administration Initiative with a mission to improve the American driving experience.
We all know the challenge: many of our highways and bridges are old and worn out. They need fixing. Traffic congestion is getting worse, making it hard to fix roads without creating huge backups. And the limited amount of money available makes it tough to pay for all of the repairs needed.
Highways for Life offers a solution: rather than continue with old approaches, we need to change the way we build the highway system to reflect today’s realities.
[Closed Captioned] – USDOTFHWA on YouTube
Tags: Highways for LIFE, USDOTFHWA, YouTube