Greg Cohen is President of the American Highway Users Alliance. Mr. Cohen serves motorists and highway supporters as their advocate – pursuing federal policies that improve highway safety and reduce congestion. Members of The Highway Users include 280 diverse businesses, AAA clubs, and non-profit associations that rely on safe and efficient roads to transport millions of families, employees, customers, and products.
Prior to joining The Highway Users in July 2002, Greg served as a professional staff member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee where he was responsible for oversight of the Federal Highway Administration’s implementation of the 1998 highway bill, TEA 21. As a licensed Professional Engineer, Greg’s primary role on the Committee was to provide policy assistance in areas of highway planning, engineering, and construction. Cohen worked on legislation to eliminate highway funding cuts and streamline environmental reviews and coordinated oversight hearings that laid the policy groundwork for the 2005 highway bill, “SAFETEA-LU”.
Greg Cohen:
Infra Progress Expectations
Citizen Advocates Needed
Highway vs. Rail
The Gas Tax
Who Pays Now?
Download full transcript (PDF): Greg Cohen on The Infra Blog
Tags: American Highway Users Alliance, Greg Cohen, Highway Bill, SAFETEA-LU, TEA 21