Wendover Productions explores the pros and cons of nuclear energy, which emits just a fraction of the carbon of other conventional energy sources, but brings the risk of contamination wherever it goes.
-Video from Wendover Productions on YouTube
Tags: Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste, Video, Wendover Productions, YouTube
Pretty impressive video with the obligatory knock on nuclear. Superior to even Finland’s facility is Yucca Mountain astride the Nevada National Security Site (where hundreds of above-and-below ground weapons tests were conducted in the forty years of 1951-1991.). In addition to geologic stability and remoteness, Yucca features an absence of subsurface moisture and precipitation so that the dry casks will STAY DRY well above the saturated zone. America would be well along with proper internment of its “Spent Nuclear Fuels” (SNF’s) if not for the NIMBY hysteria fanned by former Senator Harry Reid and now his wannabe Senator Dean Heller. DOE was willing to offer Nevada some badly needed infrastructure plumbs in return for hosting the National Nuclear Waste Repository, most notably the Superconducting (now referred to as “Large Hadron”) Super Collider but Reid leaned on UNLV not to accept this deal. So now groundbreaking research is being conducted over in Switzerland instead of in Las Vegas, whose educational institutions are still lagging in turning out the educated workforce central to any aspiring city’s appeal to new employers. Reid and his liberal allies bash conservatives for being anti-science about global warming, yet an appropriation just to complete scientific studies to determine is Yucca is safe as a final step in the project’s licensing process is being held up in the Senate at the insistence of Dean Heller. Nevadans and the nation need to wise up and differentiate true leaders trying to make a difference from politicians merely making a point for their own cynical purposes.