Summary of Plan to Rebuild Nation’s Infrastructure
Transportation Funds
Funding to Support Transportation Infrastructure. The Collins-McCaskill Bipartisan Jobs Bill would authorize a one-time $10 billion appropriation to capitalize an existing DOT program that help states provide loans, loan guarantees, and other for ms of non-grant assistance which leverage private dollars. States would be required to use these funds for ―state infrastructure banks‖ which are similar to state revolving loan funds. The bill would allow states to voluntarily utilize this additional federal funding, and would ensure sufficient oversight, reporting and public disclosure requirements.
The Collins-McCaskill Bipartisan Jobs Bill would also provide an additional $25 billion in funding for highway and bridge core formula programs. This additional funding would supplement the approximately $40 billion appropriated under the current Surface Transportation authorization in fiscal year 2012 for similar transportation programs.
These initiatives are supported by AASHTO, the association that represents state highway and transportation departments across the nation.
According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, it would cost more than $200 billion annually to substantially improve the conditions of our nation’s roads and bridges.
According to Federal Highway Administration’s most recent estimates, every $1 billion spent on highway construction supported approximately 30,000 jobs.
Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds
Restore Funding for Clean Water Infrastructure The Collins-McCaskill Bipartisan Jobs Bill provides $800 million in additional funding to the CWSRF and the DWSRF, to help ensure these critical infrastructure programs are funded at the FY 2010 levels of $2.1 billion for CWSRF and $1.387 billion for DWSRF. There is no shortage of projects to ensure the provision of safe water—EPA estimates $187.9 billion in wastewater needs and $334.8 billion in drinking water needs over 20 years.
Download Full Summary (PDF): Collins-McCaskill Bipartisan Jobs Bil