Infra Views

Quadrennial Energy Review: Energy Storage, Transmission, and Distribution Infrastructure

Monday, April 27th, 2015
Figure SPM-2. Historic and Projected U.S. Emissions under Obama Administration Targets


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Evaluating Complete Streets Projects: A Guide for Practitioners

Monday, April 27th, 2015
TABLE 1: Recommended access measures and metrics

Across the country, government agencies are working to meet residents’ demands to be more responsive, transparent, and accountable in decisions and investments. Transportation agencies are not exempt from this call—and they face the additional challenges of dwindling capital and maintenance budgets. Performance measures, in the broad sense, provide a quantitative and, sometimes, qualitative indicator of potential or actual performance of a specific street, a corridor, or of the whole transportation network.

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21st Century Infrastructure: Keeping California Connected, Powered, and Competitive

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015
The Connected Landscape

BAY AREA COUNCIL ECONOMIC INSTITUTE Executive Summary Recent advances in energy and communications technologies have outpaced anything the human race has seen since either the invention of the telegraph or the discovery of alternating current. Many of these advances have enabled technologies that were once the realm of science fiction—driverless cars, implanted medical devices, and […]

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Transit-Oriented Development in Lakeview, Illinois

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015
In the Lakeview Chamber’s service area, total housing units decreased within a half mile of both the Southport and Paulina CTA stations from 2000-2011.

Lakeview is historically a dense community that developed around its CTA stations, and demographic trends since 2000 continue to reinforce the central role of transit in the neighborhood. CTA stations serve as hubs for the community, providing significant foot traffic from visitors and local commuters to fuel the neighborhood’s business corridors. Lakeview has the highest rate of transit commuting of any neighborhood in the city. Transit is critical to the neighborhood’s economic success and quality of life.

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De-carbonizing U.S. Power

Monday, April 20th, 2015
De-Carbonizing Power: Figure 1, 2 and 3

In 2015, the US could set new national records: for annual renewable build; for coal retirements; and for gas burn from the power sector. Meanwhile, electricity-related emissions could fall to their lowest levels since 1994. This Research Note examines our short-term forecasts for US power.

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Transportation Statistics Annual Report

Friday, April 17th, 2015
Extent of the U.S. Transportation System

Over 4 million miles of roads, more than 19,000 public and private use airports, about 140,000 miles of freight and passenger railroads, 25,000 miles of navigable waterways, and 2 million miles of pipelines connect the Nation’s people and businesses across the continent and with the rest of the world…The estimated value of U.S. transportation assets in 2012 was $7.7 trillion. The public owns 51.2 percent of the total transportation asset value, mostly highways and streets, but also publicly held airports, waterways, and transit facilities. Private companies own 31.2 percent of transportation assets, including railroads, pipelines, trucks, planes, and ships.

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Financing the Future: How will California pay for tomorrow?

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

There is no limit to the challenges on the horizon. In the next 30 years, California’s population is expected to grow to 50 million people—the equivalent of adding another city of Los Angeles and San Diego. As income inequality expands, new approaches must be developed to prepare this next generation of Californians to contribute to an ever-changing global economy. With the climate changing, natural resources must be managed more responsibly. Bigger cities need less traffic. Communities need more reliable sources of water. Regions need new avenues to global trade.

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Integrating Climate Adaptation Efforts Across State, Regional and Local Transportation Agencies

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015
Selected    Extreme    Weather    Disruptions

NATIONAL CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATIONTHE UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CENTER Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Climate Adaptation Efforts across State, Regional and Local Transportation Agencies Disruptions caused by extreme weather events are imposing significant and rising costs on transportation agencies throughout the United States, and climate change is projected to increase both the frequency […]

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U.S. Homeowners on Clean Energy: A National Survey

Monday, April 13th, 2015
How important is renewable energy to America

In our second annual survey of U.S. homeowner purchasing trends and attitudes, we find that clean-energy products and services – including solar PV, utility-scale renewables, hybrid electric vehicles, and green buildings – continue to experience double-digit compound annual growth rates (CAGRs). Sustained double-digit growth rates for more than a decade reflect the long-term nature of this current shift to more efficient, cleaner, and environmentally friendly products and services. But don’t be mistaken; as our research clearly points out, it is cost savings, much more than environmental factors, that are driving this monumental shift.

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Conditions and Safety of New York’s Roads and Bridges

Friday, April 10th, 2015

The life cycle of New York’s roads is greatly affected by the state and local government’s ability to perform timely maintenance and upgrades to ensure that road and highway surfaces last as long as possible…More than a third – 37 percent – of New York’s major locally and state-maintained urban roads and highways have pavements in poor condition. An additional 43 percent of the state’s major urban roads have pavements in mediocre or fair condition, and the remaining 20 percent are in good condition.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure