Infra Views

The Great East Japan Earthquake: Lessons for California High-Speed Rail

Friday, May 29th, 2015
Figure 1. Comparison of the Moment Magnitude and Corresponding Energy Release of Large Earthquakes and Other High-energy Phenomena

Earthquakes are a reality in both Japan and California. Seismically active areas lie near and under high-speed rail systems in Japan and along the proposed route for the California High-Speed Rail Authority’s (CHSRA) developing system. Japanese high-speed lines have withstood significant earthquakes without a single loss of life. Their experiences are instructive for California as it develops its system.

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Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review 2015

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Figure 1. Renewable energy employment by technology

IRENA estimates that renewable energy employed 7.7 million people, directly or indirectly, around the world in 2014(excluding large hydropower). This is an 18% increase from the number reported last year. In addition, IRENA conducted the first-ever global estimate of large hydropower employment, showing approximately 1.5 million direct jobs in the sector.

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2015 City Energy Efficiency Scorecard

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015
Figure ES1. City Scorecard rankings

As in the last edition, Boston earned the top spot in the 2015 City Scorecard. It received 82 out of a possible 100 points, an improvement of more than 5 points from its 2013 score…Joining Boston in the top five are New York City, Washington, San Francisco, and Seattle. All have wide-ranging efficiency policies and programs and a history of implementing efficiency initiatives. They all have closed the gap with top scoring Boston by scoring at least 75 points. The top five cities were separated by 11.5 points in the 2013 Scorecard. This year they are separated by 7 points.

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Connected 2045: Long-Range Transportation Plan for the St. Louis Region

Monday, May 25th, 2015
Figure 1: Facts & Trends

Connected2045 is the long-range transportation plan for the St. Louis region. Based on input from regional citizens, stakeholders, and guidance from elected officials, it guides transportation decision-making in the region over the next 30 years.

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Enabling Wind Power Nationwide

Friday, May 22nd, 2015
Figure ES-1. Land area achieving a minimum 30% net capacity factor by grid cell, based on current technology, larger rotor designs and a 140-m hub height

Today, wind energy provides nearly 5% of the nation’s total electricity generation. With 65 gigawatts (GW) deployed, utility-scale installations in 39 states, and wind power generation exceeding 12% in 11 of those states, wind is a demonstrated clean, affordable electricity resource for the nation. Research and industry experience indicate that wind can be deployed at higher levels while maintaining grid reliability.

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Rural Connections: Challenges and Opportunities in America’s Heartland

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
Chart 1. Share of rural population in each state.

An aging and increasingly diverse rural America plays a vital role as home to a significant share of the nation’s population, natural resources and tourist destinations. It is also the primary source of the energy, food and fiber that drive the U.S. economy. Rural Americans are more reliant on the quality of their transportation system than their urban counterparts.

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It’s About Time: The Transit-Time Penalty and its Racial Implications

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015
Twin Cities Homeownership, Poverty, and High School Graduation Rates, by Racial and Ethnic Group

Transit has many individual and community benefits—from improved safety and cost savings to enhanced personal and environmental health. However, across the nation, trips to work by public transportation take twice as long as trips to work by single-occupancy vehicle. While 68 percent of commutes by people who drove alone last less than 30 minutes, more than half (53 percent) of public transportation commutes are 45 minutes or longer. These travel-mode disparities have racial outcomes: national data show that people of color rely on public transportation for their commutes at significantly higher rates than whites.

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A Roadmap for Resilience: Investing in Resilience, Reinvesting in Communities.

Friday, May 15th, 2015
Figure 1: Overview of the RE.invest Process & Lessons Learned

This report is designed to inspire a wide range of readers interested in addressing the challenge of creating a robust pipeline of investable resilient infrastructure projects. It captures how RE.invest reimagined the predevelopment process for resilient infrastructure to integrate early design and financing decisions and help cities make the leap from crafting a vision for resilience to generating a set of financeable large-scale projects.

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The New Wave of Water Innovation

Thursday, May 14th, 2015
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Westerly Wastewater Treatment Plant cleans water before it’s returned to Lake Erie. Photo Credit: John Quinn

This briefing paper, issued by the Value of Water Coalition, spotlights innovative solutions to the nation’s growing water challenges. Through capital investments, technological innovations, creative financing tools, and cross-sector partnerships, water leaders are building stronger communities and a stronger America.

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Expanding Opportunity Through Infrastructure Jobs

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
Figure 1: Total Employment, By Selected Industry Sectors, 2013

The need to invest in U.S. infrastructure has never been clearer, making it all the more critical to take a fresh look at infrastructure’s importance to the labor market, both to drive long-lasting growth and to expand economic opportunity across the entire workforce—two elements often missing from the current narrative on infrastructure and jobs.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure