Infra Views

Untapped Potential: Opportunities for affordable homes and neighborhoods near transit

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017
Transit-Oriented Development in NYC Metro - Homes in Parking Lots

Without new affordable homes and walkable neighborhoods, housing markets tighten and costs rise, leading to less disposable income, longer commutes, the need to work longer hours, more stress, and poorer health for the region’s households. This disparity falls most heavily on the region’s lower-income households who, as referenced in RPA’s report Pushed Out, have seen housing costs rise unabated and continue to get pushed further away from central, walkable areas with access to jobs2. But it affects others as well – young families, seniors and anyone who needs affordable housing and doesn’t want to or can’t spend hours a day behind the wheel.

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Back on the Bus: Speeding up Chicago’s Buses

Monday, November 20th, 2017
Chicago Buses - Bus speeds

As Chicago strives to become a more connected, prosperous, and equitable city, elected officials and transit agency leaders must take action to improve bus service. More than half of CTA trips in Chicago are made by bus and it’s one of the most affordable transportation options in many neighborhoods where people can’t easily access the El train. Every day, buses are connecting people to jobs, schools, and other critical services while taking up far less space on the road than private vehicles. While buses continue to play a central role in the city’s transportation system, there are signs that quality bus service is under threat in a changing transportation environment.

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Transit Access Across America

Friday, November 17th, 2017
Metropolitan areas ranked by total employment

This study estimates the accessibility to jobs by transit and walking for each of the United States’ 11 million census blocks, and analyzes these data in 49 of the 50 largest (by population) metropolitan areas. Travel times by transit are calculated using detailed pedestrian networks and full transit schedules for the 7:00 – 9:00 AM period. The calculations include all components of a transit journey, including “last mile” access and egress walking segments and transfers, and account for minute-by-minute variations in service frequency.

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How National Governments Can Help Smart Cities Succeed

Monday, November 13th, 2017

CENTER FOR DATA INNOVATION By Joshua New, Daniel Castro, and Matt Beckwith Cities around the world are undergoing two important transformations. First, they are growing. For the first time in history, a majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Second, they are beginning to evolve into “smart cities”—cities capable of collecting and analyzing […]

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Transit Manufacturing Supports Jobs from Coast to Coast

Thursday, November 9th, 2017
Transit Rail and Bus Manufacturing Facilities

TRANSPORTATION FOR AMERICA Public dollars devoted to making capital improvements to public transportation systems support thousands of manufacturing jobs, in communities small and large, in nearly every state across the country. The supply chain for public transportation is as deep as it is wide, touching every corner of the country and employing thousands of Americans […]

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Powering the future of mobility: How the electric power sector can prepare for its critical role in the new transportation ecosystem

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
deloitte energy solutions

ANALYSTS have long predicted that car and fleet owners would soon abandon traditional fossil-fuel-powered vehicles and go electric.1 But after years of hype, promotion, and government incentives, electric vehicles (EVs) represent barely 1 percent of the market, both globally and in the United States.

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Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017: Bold Moves

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
Arcadis - pillars of sustainable mobility

ARCADIS Executive Summary Mobility systems are key to the everyday functioning of a city. Arcadis’ 2017 Sustainable Cities Mobility Index, compiled in partnership with research firm, Cebr, tracks the overall performance of the mobility systems in 100 cities around the world. The Index is built from 23 individual indicators, each reflecting a component of urban […]

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Coastal Adaptation: A Framework for Governance and Funding to Address Climate Change

Monday, October 30th, 2017
NYC - coastal adaptation

REGIONAL PLAN ASSOCIATION (RPA) Executive Summary Over the next 30 years, the number of people living in places at risk of flooding from an extreme storm in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut region is likely to double from 1 million to 2 million. Sea levels are projected to rise by two feet, putting 10,000 homes permanently […]

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U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Thursday, October 26th, 2017
Figure 1. Energy-related CO2 emissions, 1990–2016

Energy‐related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions decreased by 89 million metric tons(MMmt), from 5,259 MMmt in 2015 to 5,170 MMmt in 2016. Although real gross domestic product (GDP) increased 1.5% over that period, other factors contributing to energy-related CO2 emissions more than offset the growth in GDP, leading to a 1.7% decline in energy-related CO2.

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Disruptive Transportation: The Adoption, Utilization, and Impacts of Ride-Hailing in the United States

Monday, October 23rd, 2017
Impact of ride-sharing: Evolution of Shared Mobility Services

The rapid adoption of ride-hailing poses significant challenges for transportation researchers, policymakers, and planners, as there is limited information and data about how these services affect transportation decisions and travel patterns. Given the long-range business, policy, and planning decisions that are required to support transportation infrastructure (including public transit, roads, bike lanes, and sidewalks), there is an urgent need to collect data on the adoption of these new services, and in particular their potential impacts on travel choices.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure