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Archive for the ‘Transit’ Category

NYC: Abandoned City Hall Subway Station

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

“As all urban exploration enthusiasts know, there are hidden wonders all around us – particularly in rich metropolitan landscapes like New York City. The City Hall subway stop is well-known to NYC history buffs, but until now it hasn’t been easy to catch a glimpse of this unique bit of New York. Recently, a change in Transit Authority rules have made it possible for anyone to see the long-abandoned station – as long as you don’t mind seeing it from a moving train.”
-Delana on

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High-Speed Rail in America

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011
Scoring of Rail Corridors

…There is a steep learning curve for states and regions in developing high-speed and even “classic” intercity passenger corridors. This report aims to educate the public and decision makers about the elements of success for high-speed rail as measured by factors that contribute to ridership demand for these services, particularly as they apply to the unique spatial attributes and travel patterns of America.

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Top 25 Surface Transportation Projects to Support Economic Growth in Wyoming

Thursday, January 6th, 2011
GDP Change By State

To achieve sustainable economic growth, Wyoming must proceed with numerous projects to improve key roads, highways and bridges in the state to support economic growth, particularly in its booming energy sector.

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Valley Metro “Notes” – Music Videos for AZ Transit

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

Valley Metro, the regional transit system in the Phoenix metropolitan area, has produced “a series of short animated music videos that demonstrate all the ins and outs of riding transit!” Above is “How to Ride the Light Rail,” featuring music by Elvis Before Noon.

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How far will public transit take you? Ask Mapnificent

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

Mapnificent is an interactive tool that lets you see how far you can go with public transit in a given amount of time. Info is available for most major American cities.

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Do Roads Pay for Themselves? Setting the Record Straight on Transportation Funding

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
Gas tax map

Highways do not—and, except for brief periods in our nation’s history—never have paid for themselves through the taxes that highway advocates label “user fees.” Yet highway advocates continue to suggest they do in an attempt to secure preferential access to scarce public resources and to shape how those resources are spent.

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The Uncertain Future of the High-Speed Rail Program

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

The Illinois Department of Transportation has reached a cooperative agreement with Union Pacific and Amtrak that will permit the release of a $1.1 billion federal high-speed rail grant to the state of Illinois to fund passenger rail improvements between Chicago and St. Louis. The agreement was proclaimed by state and federal officials as “historic” and hailed as “one giant step closer to achieving high-speed passenger service between Chicago and St. Louis.” But stripped of its rhetoric, the announcement only reveals how inadequate and cost-ineffective the Administration’s “high–speed” program is turning out to be.

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A Brief Timeline of HSR Funding

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

April, 2009: The Obama Administration’s vision for high-speed rail (VIDEO) April, 2009: Department of Transportation’s strategic plan for high-speed rail Jan, 2010:  ARRA grants $8 Billion for HSR development October, 2010: Department of Transportation announces additional $2.4 for HSR November, 2010: State governments in Ohio & Wisconsin refuse HSR funds December, 2010: Department of Transportation […]

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Streetfilms: Journey to Pittsburgh to Walk & Bike

Thursday, December 30th, 2010
Streetfilms - Pittsburgh

“During a recent 48 hour Streetfilms swing thru Steel City, we learned that like many other metro areas across the country, Pittsburgh has a growing movement for better bicycling and more livable streets. Among the coolest things you’ll see in this seven minute Streetfilm travelogue…” -Clarence Eckerson, Streetfilms More at

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Infrastructure for EVs

Monday, December 27th, 2010

Electric cars (EVs) are becoming more practical (see the Chevrolet Volt and Nissan Leaf ), making EV infrastructure more of a necessity.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure