I Want to Ride My Bicycle, I Want to Ride My Bike
Southwest Could Lose Crucial Rail Line
Pedestrians Are People Too. Really cool people.
Archive for the ‘Telecommunications’ Category
This Infra Week
Friday, February 21st, 2014Wichita, Kansas: Using
Thursday, December 12th, 2013
The WICHway website adjusts to the type of electronic device used. Thus the view is different on a desktop computer, a tablet or a Smartphone yet website functions are fully operational on each device. On a Smartphone, you can bookmark the home page or any other page in the website. Here’s how to do it.
View this complete post...Infra Week: 11-25-2013
Friday, November 29th, 2013
Neighborhood got you down? Design your own
Pennsylvania’s $2.3 Billion Transportation Bill
Recovery Act Rail Project Completed Early and Under Budget
U.S. Immigrants Drive Less Than Natives
Has the U.S. Passed Peak Gasoline?
A New Way to Go
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
Over the last 15 years, the Internet and mobile communications technologies have transformed the way Americans live and work. During that same period, growth in vehicle travel slowed and then stopped, with Americans today driving about as much on average as we did in 1996…Both changes have taken place most rapidly among young Americans, who have been the earliest and most enthusiastic adopters of new technologies, as well as the new social networking tools that are the foundation of the emerging “sharing economy.” They have also been the group that has reduced its driving the most, with the average American between 16 and 34 years of age driving a startling 23 percent less in 2009 than in 2001.
Computer and Internet Use in the United States
Wednesday, June 12th, 2013
UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU Introduction In 2011, more Americans connected to the Internet than ever before, although differences continued to exist between those with use and those without. Just as with differences in use, variation in the ways that people were connecting online and the frequency of their use remained prevalent as well. This report […]
View this complete post...Use of Electronic Passenger Information Signage in Transit
Thursday, June 6th, 2013
TRANSIT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM Introduction Project Backgrounds and Objectives The primary focus of the Synthesis is on determining the experience that transit agencies have had with deploying electronic signage to provide transit information in the United States and abroad, and the process that agencies are using to decide to deploy information through this dissemination channel […]
View this complete post...Guest on The Infra Blog: Tom Ferree, Connected Nation
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
Tom Ferree is the Preisdent and COO for Connected Nation. Topics include:
People Care about Broadband
Exciting Public-Private Collaboration
Michiganʼs Success: A National Microcosm?
Government Funding Makes a Difference
Connected Nationʼs Mission
Philadelphia, PA: EveryoneOn Launch
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013EveryoneOn launches in Philadelphia from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. In an attempt to level the digital playing field, especially for the 41% of Philadelphians who don’t have home Internet access, yesterday, EveryoneOn had its local launch in Philadelphia. The campaign, also recently launched in Charlotte and other US cities, aims to connect Americans to free […]
View this complete post...Interactive Map: Submarine Broadband Cable
Friday, February 8th, 2013
The Submarine Cable Map is a free resource from TeleGeography. Data contained in this map is drawn from Global Bandwidth Research Service and is updated on a regular basis.
Crash Data Analyses for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications for Safety Applications
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012
FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Executive Summary The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan has the potential to transform travel through safety, mobility, and environmental improvements in surface transportation. Two major programs under this plan are the Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communications for Safety Initiatives. Both programs are composed of […]
View this complete post...Follow InfrastructureUSA
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