Across this country, 85% of our citizens now live in cities and metropolitan economies. 89% of the jobs are in the cities and in metropolitan economies. 91% of America’s nearly $20 trillion GDP is created in cities and metropolitan economies. We are driving the economic growth of this country. And our message is that by partnering with mayors, by looking at the creative solutions that are being deployed all across this country, seeing the innovative ideas, seeing the massive investment in infrastructure, but also embracing the idea of inclusion and ways in which we can all move forward together, is the way to go…We’re always coming around the table. That’s the strength, I believe, of being a mayor and having to always listen to every opinion, not gerrymandered ideas with narrow constituencies. We’re going to continue to do that.
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Tags: Columbia, Mayors, SC, South Carolina, Stephen K. Benjamin, U.S. Conference of Mayors
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