Congressional action on transportation this year, including the shape of the next surface transportation bill, will be inevitably influenced by the changed political geography of the 112th Congress. Not only will the level of funding for transportation be dictated by new, fiscally conservative House majority , but the program priorities will be influenced by a newly elected GOP representation that largely hails from small-town and suburban America.
View this complete post...Archive for the ‘Recession’ Category
What Lies Ahead for Transportation in the 112th Congress?
Monday, January 24th, 2011Building Efficiency: Ten Trends to Watch in 2011 and Beyond
Wednesday, January 5th, 2011
During the last couple of years, the global economy has been dealing with the impacts of the Great Recession. The construction sector has been among the hardest hit areas in almost all regions. New construction, both residential and commercial, has been way below the levels seen earlier in the decade. However, one building-related field has continued to grow: retrofits tied to improving the efficiency of facilities.
Interactive Map: TIGER Awardees
Monday, January 3rd, 2011
“Almost all of these projects have two things in common,” said T4 America director James Corless. ”They will all create desperately-needed jobs while building critical transportation infrastructure, and they have a hard time getting funded under the outdated structure of the current federal transportation program.”
-James Corless, Director, T4America
Ask The White House: Question 1 (Infrastructure Spending)
Wednesday, December 1st, 2010The White House asked and job seekers answered! We were so pleased with the responses we received on job growth and recovery efforts, and have provided the White House with the questions that were “liked” the most by our Facebook community and sparked the most engaging conversation. Austan Goolsbee, Chair of the Council of Economic […]
View this complete post...The Unraveling of the High-Speed Rail Program: A News Analysis
Wednesday, December 1st, 2010The future Republican House leadership is determined to retrieve whatever remains of the unspent and uncommitted stimulus (ARRA) funds. So has stated Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), the prospective House Appropriations Committee chairman, as he introduced a bill (H.R. 6403, the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Rescission Act”) to rescind any unobligated ARRA funds and return them to the U.S. Treasury. Even already obligated ARRA funds may be at risk. Congressional GOP aides are reported to be closely reviewing agency records to identify particular stimulus-funded projects that could still be “reasonably” halted because work on them is only beginning.
View this complete post...A Fresh Look at the Prospects for Transportation in the New Congress
Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010Last month we conducted an informal survey among colleagues in the transportation community about the outlook for the federal surface transportation program in the year(s) ahead…One comment from a veteran transportation insider summed up concisely the collective mindset: “There will be nothing ‘transformational’ about the future program,” he opined.
View this complete post...Impact of Alternate Public Transit and Rail Investment Scenarios on the Labor Market
Tuesday, October 26th, 2010
Transportation investments represent an opportunity for Congress to kick the economy into a higher gear by creating millions of well-paying jobs while simultaneously boosting the condition and performance of our nation’s transportation system.
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