Innovation NewsBriefs
Vol. 23, No. 15
As Rep. DeFazio observed, getting to know the finer details of the Senate highway bill (MAP-21, S. 1813) has taken on new significance now that a House-Senate conference negotiation on the reauthorization measure has become a reality. Understanding the Senate bill is important because the Senate measure is likely to become the basis of any final bill.
Archive for the ‘Policy’ Category
Getting to Know the Finer Details of the Senate Highway Bill
Monday, April 23rd, 2012May 22-24, San Francisco, CA: High Speed Rail Conference
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
From US High Speed Rail Association: Business and political leaders will come together with the world’s top experts to bring high speed rail to America, starting in California. Construction is about to get underway on the first phase of the proposed state-wide, 800-mile state-of-the-art transportation project that will revolutionize mobility in the state. This new rail […]
View this complete post...Encouraging U.S. Infrastructure Investment
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012From the Council on Foreign Relations:
By: Scott Thomasson
Despite the pressing infrastructure investment needs of the United States, federal infrastructure policy is paralyzed by partisan wrangling over massive infrastructure bills that fail to move through Congress. Federal policymakers should think beyond these bills alone and focus on two politically viable approaches.
The Uncertain Future of the Highway Bill—An Update
Monday, April 2nd, 2012Innovation NewsBriefsVol. 23, No. 13 On March 14, by a vote of 74-22, the Senate passed an 18-month highway bill (S. 1813) reauthorizing the federal surface transportation program through the end of FY 2013. Twenty-two senators, all Republican, voted against the final bill. While Washington stakeholder interests and advocacy groups applauded the Senate action as […]
View this complete post...Guest on The Infra Blog: Christian Steinbrecher, President, Ukiah Engineering Inc., ASCE Oregon 2011-2012 Civil Engineer of the Year
Friday, March 30th, 2012
Christian F. Steinbrecher, president of Ukiah Engineering Inc., was awarded the “2011 – 2012 Engineer of the Year Award” by the Oregon Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers for his work on Oregon’s Infrastructure Report Card issued by the Oregon Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. His experience has spanned almost […]
View this complete post...Why a 60-day Extension of SAFETEA-LU Is Problematic
Wednesday, March 28th, 2012Transportation Issues Daily
A sixty-day extension of SAFETEA-LU sounds like enough time for Congress to negotiate and pass a multi-year bill, doesn’t it? Maybe not.
April 27th, New York City: Regional Plan Association’s 22nd Annual Regional Assembly
Monday, March 26th, 2012
From Regional Plan Associtation: The Regional Plan Assembly Cities and regions that thrive in the 21st century will be those that embrace their future by planning for the changing needs of their citizens. As globalization and technological change accelerate, communities must transition from isolated to connected; disposable to sustainable; sprawling to compact; segregated to diverse. […]
View this complete post...Talking Infrastructure at the 5th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Convention
Thursday, March 22nd, 2012
Steven CF Anderson, Managing Director of InfrastructureUSA was a participant at the 5th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Convention, held from March 7th to March 9th in Washington, DC.
Steve also spoke with John Horsley, Executive Director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officals (AASHTO), Bill Johnson, Director for the Port of Miami, and Mortimer Downey, former Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, currently Senior Advisor, Parsons Brinckerhoff.
View this complete post...The Fiscal Implications of the Senate Highway Bill (S.1813) — Part II
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012Innovation NewsBriefs
Vol. 23, No. 12
On March 14, by a vote of 74-22, the Senate passed an 18-month highway bill (S. 1813) reauthorizing the federal surface transportation program through the end of FY 2013. Twenty-two senators, all Republican, voted against the final bill.
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It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.
Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.
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Steve Anderson
Managing Director