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Archive for the ‘Local’ Category

Bike Sharing in the United States: State of the Practice and Guide to Implementation

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

With the introduction of new and more advanced bike sharing programs, and the continued interest and political support for them throughout many U.S. cities, it is important to provide an objective analysis of bike share programs, and to document early lessons learned. This guide is intended to serve as a resource for transportation planning professionals, as well as public officials considering implementation of a bike sharing program.

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U.S.Solar Market Insight Report Q2 2012

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

The U.S. market remains a rare bright spot in a difficult global solar environment this year. Although global installations should grow overall (GTM Research forecasts 18% global growth in 2012), manufacturer margins remain severely compressed as a result of persistent overcapacity.

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Bartlesville, OK: Platform Trailer

Friday, September 7th, 2012

The Platform Trailer is a safe and sufficient under-bridge access product. The trailer only uses 1 lane atop a bridge deck and provides access underneath bridges in minutes. It is ideal for bridge inspection, bridge maintenance and repair and bridge rehabilitation. ODOT currently has 3 platform trailers, one of which is being shared between 2 […]

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East Harlem Affordable Housing Under Threat: Strategies for Preserving Rent-Regulated Units

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

REGIONAL PLAN ASSOCIATION Executive Summary Across New York City, the availability of affordable housing is in jeopardy. Even with the ambitious efforts of the administration of Mayor Michael Bloomberg to preserve or create thousands of affordable housing units, rent protections for much of the existing stock will expire in the coming decades. Nowhere is this […]

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Waco, TX: The Waco Suspension Bridge

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Waco’s Historic Suspension Bridge was the longest single-span suspension bridge west of the Mississippi when it was completed in 1870. The bridge was built with cable supplied by the John Roebling Co., who built the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Crucial to traders and travelers for well over a century, the bridge stands as […]

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Arlington, VA: Streetcar System

Friday, August 31st, 2012

For decades, Arlington has worked to give people travel choices. Our County has the most Metrorail stops in Virginia; a successful local bus service; ART, which carries 2.5 million riders annually — and a growing Bike Share program. It is all designed to make it easier for you to live, work, play and visit in […]

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Detroit, MI: Mapping the Motor City

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Learn how the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance uses Google Map Maker to add new cycling routes around the city of Detroit, creating a more comprehensive map and improving biking directions for the entire community. – Google on YouTube

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Phoenix, AZ: I-17 Pedestrian Bridge North of Happy Valley Road

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

–ArizonaDOT on YouTube. The Phoenix-area’s newest pedestrian bridge is in place over Interstate 17 just north of Happy Valley Road. ADOT installed the 160-ton, 600-foot long bridge over two nights in June next to the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal. Working in partnership with the CAP, city of Phoenix and Federal Highway Administration, ADOT designed […]

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Great Falls, MT: Spotlight on Captain Jeff McLaughlin

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

Motor Carrier Captain Jeff McLaughlin has worked in various locations and is now responsible for fourteen officers and a large geographical area. Safety, including driver and vehicle safety are a big part of his job. –MontanaDOT on YouTube.

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Energy Democracy – Community Innovation in Boston

Monday, August 27th, 2012
Figure 1: Community Innovations in Boston (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

Communities of color have been environmental activists for decades. These are communities most often victimized by poor environmental planning, regulations, and decision­‐making. In the last twenty years, communities of color in the Boston area have united and won a Boston­‐wide plan to run buses on cleaner burning fuel, stopped a diesel fueled power plant from being located across from the only elementary school in the diverse Chelsea neighborhood, and ended illegal dumping of trash and toxic materials in abandoned lots throughout the communities of Roxbury and Dorchester.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure