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has been provided by these organizations and individuals:

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Archive for the ‘Local’ Category

Middlesborough, KY: Help Us Build a Better Downtown

Monday, October 7th, 2013

Help us transform downtown Middlesborough. Pop-up stores, a pop-up park, and bike friendly streets will help to make downtown more welcoming.
-Better Block on YouTube

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Killdeer, ND: First State Highway Roundabout

Friday, October 4th, 2013

The roundabout at the intersection of ND 200 and ND 22 south of Killdeer, ND is the first roundabout on a state highway in North Dakota. The traffic in the area is bustling due to growing economic activity and the roundabout serves a safe alternative for cars and trucks alike. –NDDOTOnline on YouTube.

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Chicago: Get On Board

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

The Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) program partners is pleased to announce their second “GET ON BOARD”, a Business-to-Business Exchange on October 16, 2013 at The Ford Chicago Assembly Plant, 126th at Torrence Avenue, Chicago, IL, 9am -12pm. This CREATE business networking event will connect rail industry executives, government transportation agency heads, and […]

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San Diego, CA: City Hall Runaround Leaves Community Gardens High and Dry

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

At a small community garden on the corner of Ridgeview Drive and Fairmont Avenue in City Heights, there are a few plots filled with straggling end-of-summer vegetables. There are tomatoes, pole beans and squash, but the lot is noticeably bare. Out of the 19 garden beds, only six have anything growing in them. That’s because […]

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2013 Maryland State Highway Mobility Report

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013
2013Maryland State Highway Mobility Report

The Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) mobility related efforts in calendar year 2012 are highlighted in the 2013 Maryland State Highway Mobility Report. Mobility is a key performance area (KPA) at SHA which aims to “Support Maryland Economy and Communities with Reliable Movement of People and Goods”. This report identifies successes, challenges, and strategies being utilized to improve the transportation services SHA delivers to Marylanders and the traveling public.

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Pittsburgh’s Hot Metal Bridge: Majestic Bike Infrastructure

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

-Streetfilms on Vimeo

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Regional Allocation of Federal Transportation Funds

Monday, September 30th, 2013
Table 1: Regional Solicitation of Federal Transportation Funding Summary

In evaluating its regional solicitation process, the Met Council wanted to know how other regions manage this process, including the extent to which federal highway funds are blended, how preservation and maintenance needs (particularly for transit) are met, and what type of alignment exists between selection criteria and regional policies or goals.

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Portland, OR: Feeding the Meters and Taking Back the Streets on Park(ing) Day

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Portland, Oregon’s largest ever PARK(ing) Day.
PARK(ing) Day is an annual worldwide event by artists, designers and ordinary citizens.
We transform metered parking spots into temporary public parklets.
We are temporarily reclaiming the space for people.

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At a Crossing: California High Speed Rail

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

California is one of the largest states in the US. It’s resident to more than 38 million people and as time forges ahead, it will continue to get bigger. Transport in California is already strained and with a growing population, the state faces a crisis in the coming decades. How can this transportation crisis within California be addressed? And how does High Speed Rail fit into this large, complex, equation? This documentary helps answers those questions and show how important High Speed Rail is to the future of California.

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Believe in Oklahoma Wind Power

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Oklahoma is an energy state. And, wind energy comes from our rich land just like oil, natural gas and other resources to create our diverse energy mix, which is contributing to Oklahoma’s renaissance.

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Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure