CENTER FOR DATA INNOVATION By Joshua New, Daniel Castro, and Matt Beckwith Cities around the world are undergoing two important transformations. First, they are growing. For the first time in history, a majority of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Second, they are beginning to evolve into “smart cities”—cities capable of collecting and analyzing […]
View this complete post...Archive for the ‘Global’ Category
How National Governments Can Help Smart Cities Succeed
Monday, November 13th, 2017Sustainable Cities Mobility Index 2017: Bold Moves
Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
ARCADIS Executive Summary Mobility systems are key to the everyday functioning of a city. Arcadis’ 2017 Sustainable Cities Mobility Index, compiled in partnership with research firm, Cebr, tracks the overall performance of the mobility systems in 100 cities around the world. The Index is built from 23 individual indicators, each reflecting a component of urban […]
View this complete post...Toll Excellence Awards, Student Scholarships Spotlight Innovation in Global Tolling Industry
Thursday, October 12th, 2017
Originally posted on the blog of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) Written by Bill Cramer, Communications Director, IBTTA The tolling industry’s top innovators and some of its most promising future leaders were in the spotlight in Atlanta last month during IBTTA’s 85th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Atlanta. On the Monday morning […]
View this complete post...America’s Clean Energy Frontier: The Pathway to a Safer Climate Future
Friday, October 6th, 2017
NRDC’s groundbreaking analysis demonstrates clearly that with bold action on energy efficiency, renewable energy, electrification of vehicles and buildings with clean power, and electric grid enhancements, the United States can reach its 80 percent by 2050 climate goal. Moreover, we can get there at a much lower cost than any comparable study predicts.
View this complete post...Global Infrastructure Outlook
Tuesday, August 1st, 2017
Across the globe, a well-functioning, modern infrastructure is Central to economic development and to quality of life. From the Roads and railways needed to transport people and goods, to the Power plants and communications networks that underpin Economic and household activity, to the basic human need for Clean water and sanitation, infrastructure matters to people And business everywhere.
View this complete post...ACEC’S ENGINEERING INC. — Higher and Higher: Member Firms Push the Limits to Design Effective and Attractive High-Rise Structures
Monday, July 31st, 2017
In a creative blend of old and new, the fabled Steinway Hall on New York’s West 57th Street will soon begin a new career, its atrium serving as the elegant main entry for a supertall high-rise now under construction on the adjacent site. Featuring progressively greater setbacks on its northern face for a feathered rather than stepped profile, the new 1,428- foot tower’s glass curtain walls will offer unparalleled views of Central Park to the north and the Manhattan skyline to the south. Hearking back to the quality and detail of historic New York towers, the shear walls on the east and west are being clad with a custom-cast terra cotta, bronze filigree and glass façade.
View this complete post...Blueprint 2025: Visionary Leadership Building Tomorrow’s Opportunities
Tuesday, July 11th, 2017
Infrastructure is our vision for the future, creating growth and opportunities for our children and grandchildren. This idea of vision, where we are going and why, is crucial; the leadership to get there and to bring everyone together to build a great project (and all projects, like all children, are great) is what we celebrate with the Leadership Forum.
View this complete post...ACEC’S ENGINEERING INC. — Ranking Sustainability: What U.S. Cities Can Learn From European Peers
Thursday, June 29th, 2017
What about North American cities? The index found they have a lot to learn from their international peers. Vancouver was the continent’s leader at 23rd in the overall ratings, while U.S. cities failed to enter the top quartile. The closest contender was New York City at 26th place…Infrastructure differences help explain why European cities outpaced U.S. and Canadian counterparts. Many European urban centers were settled before the automobile age and, as a result, are densely settled and supported by well-established public transportation systems. However, many American cities outside the Northeast grew with automobiles in mind. “Carcentric designs can lead to urban sprawl and a large carbon footprint, with enormous costs,” Dalkmann says. “Those are fundamental challenges for U.S. cities in terms of sustainability.”
View this complete post...Nurturing Innovation for a Low-Carbon Future
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
Renewable energy innovation is starting to really change gears. In the last couple of years, most of the new power generation capacity added has been renewable.
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