There’s new funding – $1.5 billion – now available to fund critical transportation projects. Government officials are moving quickly to finalize plans and contracting solicitations should be rolled out soon.
View this complete post...John Hennessy III,
There’s new funding – $1.5 billion – now available to fund critical transportation projects. Government officials are moving quickly to finalize plans and contracting solicitations should be rolled out soon.
View this complete post...The 2016 election revealed a dramatic gap between two Americas—one based in large, diverse, thriving metropolitan regions; the other found in more homogeneous small towns and rural areas struggling under the weight of economic stagnation and social decline. This gap between two American geographies came as a shock to many observers.
View this complete post...While little progress has been made since candidate Donald Trump promised a half trillion dollar infrastructure program, or since he revealed a $200 billion federal spending plan which could theoretically leverage both state and private investment earlier this year, chances have improved that a meaningful appropriation could be adopted in the new Congress.
View this complete post...Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced eagerly awaited proposed regulations and guidelines for a program that trades tax incentives for investments in projects in underserved communities in the nation’s 8,700 new Opportunity Zones.
View this complete post...The Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking aims to inspire public, private, and civic sector leaders to make transformative investments that generate widespread social and economic benefits in places throughout the country.
View this complete post...The most recent announcement of a major development that will take advantage of the Opportunity Zones program is in Pennsylvania. A developer has announced plans to build what will be the tallest building outside the main business and commercial area of the city. The project, a 30-33 story, $130 million, mixed-use facility, will include 250 apartments, two floors of office space and space for restaurants on the first floor.
View this complete post...This video is about Grand Central Station here in New York City. But not really the station itself, but the air above it. You can’t put a price on the station, a priceless architectural treasure, but you can put a price on the air up there. In fact, that air is worth $250 million dollars. This video is all about the idea of transferrable development rights and how you can pull $250 million dollars out of thin air.
View this complete post...Funding for the nation’s highways and roads may be woefully insufficient, but for the engineering firms operating in the sector, funding has been steady and strong—and may improve.
View this complete post...Big infrastructure projects, typically, are one of those places where the government really does have a big role and the private sector has a big role and it’s sort of not a place for citizen volunteerism at the larger scale. I think there’s a real role for local civic and local planning…While a community may not be capable of figuring out whether the Tappan Zee Bridge needs to be replaced, they do know that this particular road floods every time it rains and that’s something that the government people often don’t know.
View this complete post...Written by Mary Scott Nabers President and CEO, Strategic Partnerships Inc. Government funding is tight at every jurisdictional level, but there is a huge disconnect between available funding at the state level compared to the local levels of government. That disparity is causing strains that may soon play out in ways that are negative for […]
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