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Archive for the ‘Funding’ Category

Caution Ahead: Overdue Investments for New York’s Aging Infrastructure

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014
Caution Ahead

FOLLOWING THE DEVASTATION OF SUPERSTORM SANDY IN OCTOBER 2012, NEW York City’s essential infrastructure needs were made a top policy priority for the first time in decades. The scale and severity of the storm prompted numerous studies to assess the damage and led policymakers to take steps to shore up the city’s coastal infrastructure weaknesses. Although that work remains imperative, New York City faces a number of other infrastructure vulnerabilities that have little to do with storm preparedness or resiliency. If left unchecked, they could wreak as much havoc on the city’s economy, competitiveness and quality of life as the next big storm.

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Transportation Secretary Foxx on the $300-Billion Transportation Proposal

Sunday, March 9th, 2014

In this, his first speech since appearing with President Obama Feb. 26, to announce the Administration’s four-year, $302 billion transportation proposal, USDOT Secretary Anthony Foxx today, addressed several hundred attendees at the 2014 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington Briefing on Capitol Hill. The Secretary covered a number of critical issues including […]

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As Congress Struggles for Ways to Fund the Next Transportation Reauthorization, States Are Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Innovation Newsbriefs
Vol. 25, No. 4 rev
For the transportation community, anxious about the uncertain future of the surface transportation program, recent events offered little reassurance. The President’s proposal for a four-year $302 billion transportation reauthorization, part of the administration’s FY 2015 Budget, met with a skeptical reception on Capitol Hill. “This budget isn’t a serious document; it’s a campaign brochure,” House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) said dismissively. “Perhaps the most irresponsible budget yet,” commented House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). The lawmakers’ negative reaction was no doubt amplified by the fact that the President’s budget ignored the spending levels painfully negotiated by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep.Ryan just last December. The Administration’s proposal exceeds the bipartisan budget agreement by $56 billion.

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Transportation Investments in Response to Economic Downturns

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Estimates of the magnitude of the effects of stimulus spending vary over a wide range. However, the preponderance of studies support the conclusion that federal stimulus spending, during a recession or period of high unemployment and when monetary policy is maintaining low interest rates, leads to an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) and in employment, at least in the short term (within 1 or 2 years after the spending).

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Mixed Reactions to Obama’s New $300 Billion Transportation Bill

Thursday, February 27th, 2014
President Obama in St. Paul

On February 26, President Obama climbed the steps of St. Paul, MN’s Union Depot train station to announce his new vision for transportation funding. The bill includes a competition for $600 million in transportation dollars, and a four-year surface transportation reauthorization to the tune of $300 billion.

Stakeholders on both sides of the fence have been quick to form opinions, and the fate of the bill remains uncertain–though most agree that action is urgently needed. Selected reactions from the transportation community are excerpted below.

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This Infra Week

Friday, February 14th, 2014

  Thinking of Spreading a Little Artistic Neighborhood Cheer?Don’t. It’s probably against the law.(Strong Towns Blog) Imagine All the People…Without Cars.Could driverless cars really rule the roads in just 16 years?(The Atlantic Cities) Crowdfunding InfrastructureKansas City looks to “transform one of the worst cities for biking into the one of the greatest with a world-class […]

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The Clean Trillion: Closing The Clean Energy Investment Gap

Friday, February 14th, 2014
FIgUre 1: The Clean energy InvesTmenT gap

This paper refers to the necessary additional investment in clean energy as the “Clean Trillion.” Current annual investment in clean energy falls far short of this goal. In 2012, global investment in clean energy (as defined by Bloomberg New Energy Finance) was $281 billion—and in 2013 this figure is expected to be even lower. Simply put, there is a clean energy investment gap.

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Rethinking the Way Transportation Infrastructure Is Funded

Friday, February 14th, 2014

Innovation Newsbriefs
Vol. 25, No. 3A
It may come as a surprise to you, but there is a quiet revolution in transportation funding underway these days. Faced with a depleted Highway Trust Fund and uncertain prospects for more money from a deficit-conscious Congress, many states are taking matters into their own hands and aggressively pursuing more fiscal independence.

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Critical Issues in Transportation

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
The freight transportation system must adapt to a projected 80 percent growth in gross domestic product in the next 25 years.

The United States depends on transportation to compete globally and to help revive a sluggish domestic economy. Individuals depend on transportation not only to get to work but to shop, socialize, and access health care, among other goals (1). For all of its benefits to the nation and individuals, however, transportation imposes large costs—lost time in traffic congestion, deaths and injuries from crashes, demand for imported petroleum, and the release of greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution.

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In the New Mexico Tradition: The Impacts of MainStreet

Friday, February 7th, 2014
New Mexico thumb

Main Street is a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The registered Main Street Four-Point Approach is a proven method for the economic development of downtowns in the context of historic preservation. The value and power of this approach as a vehicle for downtown revitalization has been proven in 40 states and more than 2,500 communities.

Early on, New Mexico recognized the potential for using Main Street as an economic development strategy, particularly in its rural communities, and established its state MainStreet Program in 1985. The program was housed in the Lieutenant Governor’s office until 1989 and then transferred to its current place in the Economic Development Department. Since its inception, the New Mexico MainStreet program has been extraordinarily effective in achieving its purpose. From its beginning with a few communities, the program has grown to currently serve 27 towns, cities, and urban neighborhoods.

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure