A new report from the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program finds that the persistent
momentum of the clean energy economy transition can bring significant labor market benefits alongside environmental benefits.
John Hennessy III,
A new report from the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program finds that the persistent
momentum of the clean energy economy transition can bring significant labor market benefits alongside environmental benefits.
We know that tackling climate change will take quick and drastic action. Could modernizing our power grid be the key? Read More: The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say https://www.washingtonpost.com/energy… “The world stands on the brink of failure when it comes to holding global warming […]
View this complete post...153 wind turbine parts were transported from the Port of Portland to Arlington, Oregon. Each piece was so large and heavy, it was deemed a “super load.” Travel along with these giants as they made their way down I-5 and out I-84.
View this complete post...Energy professionals throughout the country are looking for ways to increase capacity, provide storage, expand services and ensure security and sustainability. Those goals cannot be reached without collaboration from private-sector partners.
View this complete post...To get a sense of what might happen in public infrastructure financing for transportation, water—and renewable energy— over the coming five to 10 years, Engineering Inc. spoke with leading analysts in those fields.
View this complete post...Engineering firms operating in the power transmission sector are brimming with optimism about the market. The sector has almost doubled in size since 2011, and, while the market is expected to flatten, it still promises to stay strong for the next several years.
View this complete post...It has been a dynamic year for energy efficiency, with a mix of often competing forces at the national and state levels. In states including Virginia, New York, and New Jersey, policymakers unveiled plans for increased investment in clean energy and energy efficiency, driven in particular by concerns regarding climate change. Some states, in response to a possible loosening of federal vehicle and appliance standards, worked to keep efficiency standards in place at the state level.
View this complete post...NREL analysis shows adding more solar to the grid can increase the ability of battery-based energy storage to support peak electricity demand. In other words, the technologies work better together than they do alone.
View this complete post...IREC, the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, is offering an interactive scorecard evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of shared renewable energy programs around the United States. The scorecard grades each state using scoring criteria based on their own published best practices, along with other parameters added by local and national experts.
View this complete post...Modern bioenergy is the overlooked giant of the renewable energy field. But the right policies and rigorous sustainability regulations will be essential to meet its full potential.
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