Iron Workers are partnering with the National Steel Bridge Alliance to make investments in accelerated, competitive bridge construction techniques. Join the Iron Workers and IMPACT at the 2013 North American Iron Workers/IMPACT Labor-Management Conference to attend this highly anticipated breakout session. – IronworkersIMPACT on YouTube.
View this complete post...Archive for the ‘Economic Stimulus’ Category
Bridge Builders Of The Future
Thursday, May 9th, 2013Dams Grade: 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure
Tuesday, May 7th, 2013
The average age of the 84,000 dams in the country is 52 years old. The nation’s dams are aging and the number of high-hazard dams is on the rise. Many of these dams were built as low-hazard dams protecting undeveloped agricultural land. However, with an increasing population and greater development below dams, the overall number of high-hazard dams continues to increase, to nearly 14,000 in 2012.
Federal Funding: Don’t Read This, It Is Too Depressing
Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Transportation Issues Daily
We know federal transportation funding is in bad shape. But the updated numbers from CBO are just downright depressing. The numbers were provided by the Congressional Budget Office during last week’s House Budget Committee.
Interactive Map: State Solar Jobs
Friday, April 26th, 2013
Employment figures in the State Solar Jobs Map were generated using thousands of data points from a combination of high-quality sources, including The Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census 2012, the Solar Energy Industries Association’s National Solar Database, and other sources. These numbers are believed to be the most credible and up-to-date state-level jobs numbers in existence.
Status of the Highway Trust Fund
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
The federal government’s surface transportation programs are financed mostly through the Highway Trust Fund, an accounting mechanism in the federal budget that comprises two separate accounts, one for highways and one for mass transit. Revenues credited to those accounts are derived mostly from excise taxes on gasoline and certain other motor fuels. The fund also is credited with interest on its accumulated balances.
Philadelphia, PA: EveryoneOn Launch
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013EveryoneOn launches in Philadelphia from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. In an attempt to level the digital playing field, especially for the 41% of Philadelphians who don’t have home Internet access, yesterday, EveryoneOn had its local launch in Philadelphia. The campaign, also recently launched in Charlotte and other US cities, aims to connect Americans to free […]
View this complete post...Enhancing Economic Opportunity Through Transit
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013
The Denver region is currently embarking on one of the most ambitious and extensive investments in new rail and bus service in the United States. In less than a decade, the $7.8 billion FasTracks transportation infrastructure project will connect much of the Denver Metro region with 122 miles of new commuter and light rail, 18 miles of bus rapid transit, 70 new transit stations and a variety of other expanded multimodal options. This investment has the potential to expand the reach of opportunity for many people, providing better connections between housing, jobs and other essential destinations.
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