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Archive for the ‘Economic Stimulus’ Category

U.S. Climate Action Report 2010

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Throughout the United States, Americans are taking action to address the grave challenge of climate change, and to promote a sustainable and prosperous clean energy future. These efforts are occurring at all levels of government, in the private sector, and through the everyday decisions of individual citizens.

This U.S. Climate Action Report 2010 (2010 CAR) sets out the major actions the U.S. government is taking at the federal level, highlights examples of state and local actions, and outlines U.S. efforts to assist other countries’ efforts to address climate change.

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Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs Through Freight Rail Expansion

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
Freight Rail Jobs Created

Economic models estimate about 7,800 green jobs are created for every billion dollars of freight rail capital investment. Furthermore, the industry has nearly doubled the amount of goods it has shipped without increasing fuel consumption over the past three decades, and creates a fraction of the pollution of other transport modes such as trucking and aviation. Its continued growth will generate green jobs, reduce dependence on foreign oil and contribute to solving climate change.

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Just Released: Infra report from Urban Land Institute

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Infrastructure 2010: Investment Imperative, the latest annual infrastructure report by Urban Land Institute and Ernst & Young, focuses on water infra and urges decision-makers to view infrastructure as a long-term investment.

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US Senate Action Fuels Infra Expenditures

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

“With $15 billion of investments, it unleashes tens of billions of dollars more in infrastructure – to build the infrastructure for the future in terms of how it unleashes funds from the highway trust fund.”
-Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Speaker

“One proven way to create good jobs in America is to build and maintain transportation infrastructure. By also authorizing the Highway Trust Fund through the end of 2010, this bill guarantees that states will be able to continue doing just that.”
-Ray LaHood, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

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The Case for an Infrastructure-Led Jobs and Growth Strategy

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Rather than go from one negligible jobs bill to the next, the administration and Congress should, as the governors suggest, map out a multi-year plan of infrastructure investment and make it the centerpiece of an ongoing economic recovery program.

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Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

The U.S. wind industry broke all previous records by installing close to 10,000 megawatts of new generating capacity in 2009 thanks to Recovery Act incentives. The total installed capacity in the U.S. is now over 35,000 MW. In 2009, 38 manufacturing facilities were brought online, announced or expanded…

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Written Comments from Brian Lehrer’s Radio Show on WNYC, with PA Governor Rendell and Steve Anderson, Managing Director, InfrastructureUSA

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Steve from Brooklyn
“I travel back and forth to Baltimore and Boston for work, and I prefer trains to planes. What’s going on with the high speed trains in the Northeast? When can I take a high speed train to Maine?”

Lorraine from Westchester
“Lots of talk about money for schools, but not so much about the buildings themselves. My school had has heating problems since October. Teachers and students are wearing their coats indoors and we are told to “send memos” to various administrators! It’s been a very cold winter.”

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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Tune in to the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC at 10:30AM on Wednesday, January 13th, to hear InfrastructureUSA’s own Managing Director, Steve Anderson, and Governor Edward G. Rendell (D-PA), co-founder of the infrastructure coalition Building America’s Future. Join them for a discussion of America’s infrastructure and the need for public engagement.

The Brian Lehrer show airs weekdays at 10AM on 93.9 FM and AM 820; rebroadcast Tuesdays through Saturdays at midnight on AM 820. You can also listen to it live on the WNYC web site.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Financier Felix Rohatyn, well known for his role in preventing the bankruptcy of New York City and an early advocate of infrastructure investment.

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009
Felix Rohatyn

Felix Rohatyn has served as a managing director at investment firm Lazard Frères & Co, an advisor to Lehman Brothers, and U.S. Ambassador to France.  From 1975 to 1993, he was chairman of the Municipal Assistance Corporation of the City of New York, and is largely credited with saving New York City from bankruptcy during […]

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New York City Construction Starts to Show Signs of Stability

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

“The two biggest sectors within the nonresidential category were schools, libraries and labs, which accounted for 35 percent of construction starts, and offices and bank buildings, which accounted for 28 percent. In both cases, the project starts were split fairly evenly between new buildings and alterations/renovations to existing structures.”

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Dear Friends,


It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


We have already engaged nearly 280,000 users, and hoping to add many more as interest continues to grow.


We require your support in order to rise to this occasion, to make the most of this opportunity. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to


Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure