Innovation NewsBriefsVol. 23, No. 18Over the last several weeks, members of the House conference committee and their staffs have been poring over the 1,600-page Senate bill (MAP-21), trying to fathom its complex and sometimes obscure finance and revenue provisions. Lately, a detailed analysis by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation has made the […]
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Transportation Bill Excluded from House Summer Legislative Agenda
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012Transportation Issues Daily Enacting a new surface transportation bill did not make it onto the list of summer legislative priorities announced last Friday by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Nor did extending SAFETEA-LU, which expires on July 1, though the memo does mention the House will consider some “stop-gap measures.” What makes this even more […]
View this complete post...What USDOT Wants In – and Out of – a Final Transportation Bill
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012Transportation Issues Daily USDOT has officially expressed what it wants in and out of a final federal transportation bill. Instead of beginning with what the Administration supports, the letter begins with what it dislikes. First up is the threat to veto the transportation bill if it includes the Keystone XL language. Next up is opposition to […]
View this complete post...Guest on The Infra Blog: Norman Mineta, Former US Secretary of Transportation
Friday, May 11th, 2012
Secretary Norman Y. Mineta founded the Mineta Transportation Institute, which is part of the Lucas Graduate School of Business at San José State University in San José, Calif. He is an internationally recognized expert in transportation policy, with many distinguished accomplishments in transportation and business. Currently he is vice chair of Hill & Knowlton Global […]
View this complete post...Revisiting the Senate Highway Bill
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012Innovation NewsBriefsVol. 23, No. 16 “I have not been a student of the Senate bill because the Senate bill has been academic to me. But now that it’s becoming a potential reality and I’m a potential negotiator, I will become conversant with the Senate bill line by line and then I’ll have an opinion,” Rep. […]
View this complete post...Guest on The Infra Blog: Kate Slevin, AICP, Executive Director, Tri-State Transportation Campaign
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012
Kate Slevin is Executive Director of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign (TSTC), a leading advocacy and policy organization working for sustainable transportation policy in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. She became Executive Director in 2007 after four years as Associate Director and one year as the organization’s spokesperson. Kate has guided TSTC to a position […]
View this complete post...Is Congress Soon to Become Even More Dysfunctional?
Monday, May 7th, 2012Transportation Issues Daily To paraphrase one of my favorite Frank Sinatra songs: “The Worst is Yet to Come” when contemplating the future of Congressional activity. At least that’s what Politico’s Charles Mahtesian and Jim VandeHei lay out in “Congress: It’s going to get worse.“ This could be very bad news for future federal transportation bills. […]
View this complete post...Getting to Know the Finer Details of the Senate Highway Bill
Monday, April 23rd, 2012Innovation NewsBriefs
Vol. 23, No. 15
As Rep. DeFazio observed, getting to know the finer details of the Senate highway bill (MAP-21, S. 1813) has taken on new significance now that a House-Senate conference negotiation on the reauthorization measure has become a reality. Understanding the Senate bill is important because the Senate measure is likely to become the basis of any final bill.
The Uncertain Future of the Highway Bill—An Update
Monday, April 2nd, 2012Innovation NewsBriefsVol. 23, No. 13 On March 14, by a vote of 74-22, the Senate passed an 18-month highway bill (S. 1813) reauthorizing the federal surface transportation program through the end of FY 2013. Twenty-two senators, all Republican, voted against the final bill. While Washington stakeholder interests and advocacy groups applauded the Senate action as […]
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