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Archive for the ‘Competitiveness’ Category

Guest on The Infra Blog: Kate Slevin, AICP, Executive Director, Tri-State Transportation Campaign

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Kate Slevin is an activist and urban planner who joined the Tri-State Transportation Campaign in 2002 as the organization’s spokesperson, moving to the position of associate director in 2003 and executive director in 2007. Under Kate’s direction, TSTC has increased its operating budget by 30%, catalyzed transportation reform in Connecticut, developed new programs to empower local communities in Newark, and helped pass legislation in New York State that led to $2 billion in new funding for public transportation. She is the editor of the acclaimed Mobilizing the Region blog which tracks regional transportation news and opinion.

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BALCONY FORUM REPORT: Featuring Christopher Ward, Executive Director, Port Authority of NY & NJ

Thursday, July 29th, 2010
BALCONY Forum Panel

On Friday, June 25, BALCONY, the Business and Labor Coalition of New York, hosted a breakfast forum at the New York Vicinity Carpenters Labor Management Corporation featuring Chris Ward, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. The theme of the event was ‘Building the Region in 2010 and Beyond’ and included expert panelists who discussed the state of infrastructure in New York State and nationally.

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The Globalization of Traffic Congestion

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
Rather Be Working

The question now is: what is to be done? More fuel efficient cars, more public transportation, more ridesharing, more telecommuting are all good steps – but hardly enough. And it is clear that the traditional remedies for road congestion – adding a lane or building a new road – have proven to be just a temporary fix before congestion returns. Technology can help. For the first time in history, digital and physical infrastructures are converging. As a result, we are now able to understand large, complex systems that previously resisted investigation – systems as diverse as waterways, oilfields, and transportation networks.

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The Road Less Traveled: Exploring Congestion Pricing in Chicagoland

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010
MnPass, Minnesota

Across the country, people are tired of wasting time and money, sitting behind the wheel with no real alternatives to driving. Recognizing the severity of the problem, the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is funding projects to study the potential of new and innovative strategies to alleviate traffic congestion, improve the environment, and provide better mobility.

Congestion pricing is one of those strategies.

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All Aboard: Clean Energy Transportation Opportunities Favor Ohio Economy

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

America once led the world in production of rail cars, buses and other forms of transportation capital stock. As national attention shifted to highways and air transit in the second half of the twentieth century, investment in rail and public transit dwindled. New interest sparked by climate change and the dangers of dependency on fossil fuel and foreign oil have brought attention to pent-up demand and investment needs in this sector. National investments to repair existing stock and implement plans already in the works would provide sufficient demand to start rebuilding the public transit manufacturing sector…

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Bicycle Highways: Should cities build specialized roadways for cyclists?

Monday, July 12th, 2010

While the school of so-called “vehicular cycling” argues that cycles should be treated as cars and share the roads, this philosophy seems to be the result of (primarily American) cyclists adapting by necessity to their harsh surroundings rather than the sound basis of a widespread transportation shift. In the world’s top cycling cities, one finds not muscular riders harried and buffeted by passing cars, but all manner of people—young, old, carrying groceries, carrying kids—riding on networks that have been designed for them.

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Transportation Reboot: Restarting America’s Most Essential Operating System

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

America faces a freight transportation capacity crisis. Our highways, railroads, ports, waterways, and airports require investment well beyond current levels to maintain—much less improve—their performance. All systems are aging and stretched to capacity. The collapse of the economy in late 2008 temporarily reduced demand at seaports, and reduced truck and rail freight volumes. The time it takes for the economy to recover will give highway, rail, and port systems a breather before the capacity of the freight system will again constrain U.S. economic growth. During this period, decision makers will need to find a way to fund the improvements needed to improve the national freight system.

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The Accidental Legacy of the High-Speed Rail Program

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

…the HSR initiative could turn out to be of considerable economic benefit to the nation — but not quite in the way the program has been sold to the public and not exactly in the manner it is still being envisioned by the Conference of Mayors and other passenger rail boosters.

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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
Impact on Operations

The following survey results reflect the observation of nearly 1,200 construction contractors of all types on the impact traffic and congestion have on their business.

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The Future of Natural Gas

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010
Natural Gas Infrastructure

Natural gas has moved to the center of the current debate on energy, security and climate. This study examines the role of natural gas in a carbon-constrained world, with a time horizon out to mid-century.

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InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure