Innovation NewsBriefs
Vol. 24, No. 7
Every two years the University of Virginia’s Miller Center host a transportation policy conference known for attracting prestigious participants and an equally distinguished audience. The inaugural conference held in September 2009, produced a report that generated presidential attention and was praised by President Obama in a Rose Garden ceremony as a model of fresh bipartisan ideas.
Archive for the ‘Accountability’ Category
Federal Funding: Don’t Read This, It Is Too Depressing
Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Transportation Issues Daily
We know federal transportation funding is in bad shape. But the updated numbers from CBO are just downright depressing. The numbers were provided by the Congressional Budget Office during last week’s House Budget Committee.
Fargo, ND: 2013 Flood Operations Begin
Wednesday, May 1st, 2013The first North Dakota National Guard members to assist in 2013 flood operations began duty on April 22, 2013, in Fargo. Nearly 80 National Guard members have joined Fargo’s flood operations mission since early Monday. Guard members are managing traffic control points to facilitate movement of trucks hauling clay and sandbags for levee construction. Capt. […]
View this complete post...Philadelphia, PA: EveryoneOn Launch
Wednesday, April 24th, 2013EveryoneOn launches in Philadelphia from Knight Foundation on Vimeo. In an attempt to level the digital playing field, especially for the 41% of Philadelphians who don’t have home Internet access, yesterday, EveryoneOn had its local launch in Philadelphia. The campaign, also recently launched in Charlotte and other US cities, aims to connect Americans to free […]
View this complete post...NextGen Air Transportation System
Monday, April 15th, 2013
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is pursuing key operational improvements to implement the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) in the “midterm,” which is 2013 through 2018. These improvements focus on establishing Performance Based Navigation (PBN) procedures at key airports, but benefits could be limited in the midterm. PBN uses satellite-based guidance to improve air-traffic control routes (known as “procedures”). These procedures can deliver benefits to airlines, such as fuel savings and increased efficiency, particularly in congested airspace.
Open for Business: The Business Case for Investment in Public Transportation
Thursday, March 28th, 2013
Public transportation is a $57 billion industry in the United States. Public transportation itself includes a broad, interconnected set of modes including local and commuter bus service, subways, paratransit, light rail, streetcars, commuter rail, bus rapid transit, and high-performance intercity passenger rail. It provides essential public benefits, and accordingly receives support from government. At the same time, public transportation is an attractive market for business partnerships, and such relationships have always been present on both capital and operating functions.
April 19th: A Resilient Region – RPA’s 23rd Annual Assembly
Friday, March 22nd, 2013
The New York metropolitan region has thrived in recent years even as it has been buffeted by economic and environmental pressures. Yet three urgent challenges – climate change, declining economic opportunity and fiscal uncertainty in the public sector – threaten to derail the region’s continued progress. RPA’s 23rd annual Assembly, “A Resilient Region,” will examine these pressing problems and shed light on the best strategies to overcome them and ensure the region’s continued success.
View this complete post...Proposed 2014 Transportation Budgets Differ Wildly. Who Will Win?
Monday, March 18th, 2013
Transportation Issues Daily Congress is about to establish a 2014 budget blueprint, with the House and Senate miles apart on the numbers. The House is likely to pass its resolution this week. The Senate may take a little longer, depending on how the 2013 continuing resolution debate and votes go this week. House Republicans and […]
View this complete post...Guest on The Infra Blog: Joel Makower, GreenBiz Group
Thursday, March 14th, 2013
Joel Makower is chairman and executive editor of GreenBiz Group Inc., producer of Topics include:
Empowering Citizens
Technology Causing Fundamental Shift
Federal Infrastructure Gridlock
About GreenBiz Group
Montana DOT: Where the Wildlife Meets the Road
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013Video courtesy of Montana PBS – Montana JournalThe series is produced by the students of the School of Journalism and the Department of Radio-TV at The University of Montana, Missoula. –MontanaDOT on YouTube.
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