Yonah Freemark is an urbanist and journalist who has worked in architecture, planning, and transportation. He is the founder and writer of The Transport Politic.
View this complete post...John Hennessy III,
Yonah Freemark is an urbanist and journalist who has worked in architecture, planning, and transportation. He is the founder and writer of The Transport Politic.
View this complete post...Steve Anderson, InfrastructureUSA.org Managing Director, and Gregory DiLoreto, P.E., F.ASCE, President-Elect of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), were guests on The Brian Lehrer Show‘s election-year series, “30 Issues in 30 Days.”
View this complete post...This Thursday, September 27th, InfrastructureUSA Managing Director Steve Anderson and Gregory DiLoreto, P.E., F.ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers), will join The Brian Lehrer Show as part of “30 Issues in 30 Days,” the Brian Lehrer Show’s election-year series. The segment begins at 11 AM Eastern Time on NPR’s WNYC station. The show begins at […]
View this complete post...SMART GROWTH AMERICA
State officials across the country are facing the same challenges. Revenues are falling and budgets are shrinking while transportation demands grow. The traditional means of funding and delivering transportation services are no longer adequate, jeopardizing the path to tomorrow’s economy. The only answer is innovation.
Innovation NewsBriefsVol. 23, No. 24 “There is no appetite in Congress to increase the gas tax and stakeholders will have little influence to change the congressional minds.” This was one of several sober— and sobering— conclusions reached by a panel of experts at a recent meeting convened by the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Eno […]
View this complete post...In 2011, 146 people were struck by trains. 47 were killed. Learn more about how you can stay safe on subway platforms. – mtainfo on YouTube.
Deployment of new and more fuel-efficient transportation modes is expected in the coming decades. Next generation automobiles and aircraft are already entering the market.
Scott N. Paul is the founding executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM), which was launched in April 2007. AAM, a unique partnership between the United Steelworkers union and leading U.S. manufacturers, has rapidly developed into an effective research and advocacy organization, publishing reports on the effectiveness of domestic trade laws and the […]
View this complete post...COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL
The expansion of the Panama Canal to accommodate vessels capable of carrying up to 12,500 containers will alter global trade routes, and is already promoting the advancement of the science of logistics.
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Steve Anderson
Managing Director