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Archive for the ‘Rail’ Category

FRA Administrator: Rail Deserves Sustained Funding Source

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials on June 27, 2013, FRA Administrator Joe Szabo made the case for creating a new Rail Account within the Transportation Trust Fund to ensure a predictable and sustainable federal funding source for development projects.

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Pueblo, CO: Concrete Crosstie and Fastening System

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

An extensive experimental program investigating the concrete crosstie and fastening system behavior was executed in July 2012 at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC). The program recorded loads, strains, and displacements of the track components under passenger consists traveling at speeds of 2-102mph, freight consists with car weights ranging from 263-315kips, and static responses from a […]

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Reducing Passenger Train Procurement Costs

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE By David Edmondson* Project Director: Marc Scribner** Interest in passenger rail around the United States has increased in recent years. With their ability to bypass congested freeways and crawling city streets, new passenger rail lines on existing rights-of-way is one way to offer mass transit in metropolitan areas. Yet even if the […]

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Cleveland, OH: Rails to Trails

Monday, June 10th, 2013

The inspiring true story of how a humble rail-trail has helped Cleveland bounce back from the Rust Belt doldrums… It’s wonderful to see the fruits of our labors – we are inspired to keep helping America’s communities reap the benefits of bike- and walkability! –Rails-to-Trails Conservancy on Facebook

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NYC: Improbable Journey – The Story of New York’s High Line

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

How CSX helped turn an abandoned rail line in the heart of Manhattan’s Meatpacking District into one of the country’s most unique parks. –HowTomorrowMoves on YouTube.

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Roseville, CA: Union Pacific Mechanics Keep Locomotives Operable For Emissions Reduction Experiment

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Union Pacific Mechanics Keep Locomotives Operable For Emissions Reduction Experiment from 3BL Media on Vimeo. Comstock’s Magazine features a slide show of Union Pacific’s J.R. Davis Yard in Roseville, Calif., and the mechanics that maintain a series of experimental locomotives that are testing advanced emissions reduction technology in Union Pacific freight locomotives:  

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Freight Research in Urban Transportation Planning

Monday, June 3rd, 2013
Annual urban truck VMT

NATIONAL COOPERATIVE FREIGHT RESEARCH PROGRAM Current State of Knowledge of Urban Freight Flows and Their Impacts Introduction This section summarizes data on truck and van traffic and its impacts on metropolitan areas. First, a brief review of land use trends relevant to freight supply and demand in metropolitan areas provides some context. Second, the limited […]

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Why Should California’s High Speed Rail Start in San Joaquin Valley?

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

No matter whom you ask—state or local elected leader, economic developer, community member–someone has an opinion on the California high speed rail project. Approved by voters in November of 2008, it has now become one of the most talked about infrastructure projects in the state. In July, Governor Jerry Brown signed a construction financing bill […]

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Analysis of Railroad Energy Efficiency in the United States

Monday, May 20th, 2013
Analysis of Railroad Energy Efficiency in the United States

UPPER GREAT PLAINS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE Introduction The fuel efficiency of freight transportation is a critical issue in the United States in light of the price volatility of fuels and America’s dependence upon foreign sources of petroleum. Moreover, fuel efficiency is important to environmental policy. The burning of fossil fuels for transportation purposes results in the […]

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Federal Funding: Don’t Read This, It Is Too Depressing

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Transportation Issues Daily
We know federal transportation funding is in bad shape. But the updated numbers from CBO are just downright depressing. The numbers were provided by the Congressional Budget Office during last week’s House Budget Committee.

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InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure