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Archive for the ‘Funding’ Category

ACEC’s ENGINEERING INC. — 2016 Legislative Outlook: Hopeful Signs

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Presidential election cycles represent opportunities for big changes—at least that’s what candidates promise in their stump speeches. In reality, the months leading up to voting day are often characterized by inaction, especially in an era when representatives from both political parties are more focused on waging political battles rather than passing needed legislation.

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Hood River Valley, OR: The Farmer’s Irrigation District

Friday, February 5th, 2016

The FID’s existing open ditch irrigation system wasn’t reliable, agricultural runoff was causing water quality issues, and the system was wasting water resources. To help solve the issues, the FID used CWSRF loans to pipe and pressurize the irrigation system and to install in-pipe hydroelectric generators. The enhanced system provides irrigators reliable access to water; a range of water-savings irrigation options; and reduced labor costs and conserves six billion gallons of water annually.

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New York State’s Top Transportation Issues

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
New York State: Cost to Motorists of Deficient Roads

TRIP Executive Summary Eight years after the nation suffered a significant economic downturn, New York’s economy continues to rebound. The rate of economic growth in New York, which will be greatly impacted by the reliability and condition of the state’s transportation system, continues to have a significant impact on quality of life in the Empire […]

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Richard Harnish, Executive Director, Midwest High Speed Rail Association

Monday, February 1st, 2016
Richard Harnish on The Infra Blog

Richard Harnish is the Executive Director of the Midwest High Speed Rail Association (MHSRA), a member-supported non-profit organization advocating for fast, frequent and dependable trains linking the entire Midwest.

Here in Illinois we’ve been seeing a lot more interest in doing true high speed rail and we think we’re close to an important next step there. And I was out in Sacramento two months ago and touched the first car shell for that line. That’s something that most people don’t know: those trains really are under construction, and the stations are under construction. So we’re very close to a major tipping point.

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Twelve Innovations in Transportation Policy States Should Consider in 2016

Friday, January 29th, 2016
A note on state funding

To remain economically competitive, states must invest in infrastructure. States are also well positioned to be incubators of innovative transportation policy and funding solutions. Recent history shows willingness by state legislatures — regardless of political party — to step up and provide the necessary resources to invest in transportation systems. With 12 states successfully taking action in 2015, last year had the largest number of increases in state transportation funding since Transportation for America began tracking this phenomenon several years ago.

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Menino Survey of Mayors

Wednesday, January 27th, 2016
Biggest Local Challenge From a State or National Issue

Mayors overwhelmingly believe that physical infrastructure is one of the greatest challenges facing their city. Mayors were asked to identify the greatest challenge they face which falls outside their control—in other words, a challenge that is typically the purview of other levels of government. “Think about the next five years and beyond. What ONE trend or issue that you primarily think should be a state and/or federal matter will pose the biggest challenge to your city?” Importantly, this question did not query mayors about challenges to their cities generally, which was explored in last year’s report.

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Highway Boondoggles 2: More Wasted Money and America’s Transportation Future

Friday, January 22nd, 2016
Figure ES-1. Federal Highway Trust Fund Highway Excise Tax and User Fee Revenues and Highway Expenditures, 2000-2013 (actual) and 2014-2025 (projected)

America is in a long-term transportation funding crisis. Our roads, bridges and transit systems are falling into disrepair. Demand for public transportation, as well as safe bicycle and pedestrian routes, is growing. Traditional sources of transportation revenue, especially the gas tax, are not keeping pace with the needs. Even with the recent passage of a five-year federal transportation bill, the future of transportation funding remains uncertain.

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Utah DOT: Talking Orange – 2016 Outlook

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

Executive Director Carlos Braceras shares important points in UDOT’s 2016 Strategic Direction, and what it means to employees.

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Alternative-Fuel & Electric Vehicles: State Taxes & Fees

Monday, January 11th, 2016
Figure 1: Alternative Fuel Conversation Rates, from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

As the use of alternative-fuel and electric cars and trucks continues to grow as a share of the U.S. fleet, state governments are relying on a mixture of user fees and taxes to ensure these drivers are contributing their fair share to highway and bridge construction and maintenance programs…The number of alternative-fuel cars and light trucks is expected to grow from 21.5 million vehicles in 2016—accounting for 9 percent of the U.S. vehicle stock—to 29.3 million vehicles in 2021, or about 12 percent of the entire fleet, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Alternative-fuel vehicles include electric cars and trucks, hybrids, and vehicles that run on propane, fuel cells and natural gas.

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FAST Act and Transportation Policies

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Written by Emil H. Frankel
n its re-affirmation of a continuing federal role in surface transportation, FAST Act is an important statute. However, this legislation continues a trend toward a growing dependence on general funds for these programs and stagnation in the general level of federal funding for surface transportation. The inevitable result is a growing burden on states and localities to address the needs of an aging, deteriorating, and often-congested national surface transportation network.

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InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure