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Archive for the ‘Environment’ Category

Unlocking Private Capital to Finance Sustainable Infrastructure

Thursday, September 28th, 2017
Private Capital to Finance Infrastructure - EDF + Business

ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND EDF + BUSINESS Executive Summary Communities throughout the United States are facing unprecedented infrastructure challenges including compromised energy, water, and transportation systems. This is more than just a matter of inconvenience. Unless addressed, decades of neglect and lack of investment will result in loss of business sales, reduced jobs and wages, and […]

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Shelley Poticha, Director of Urban Solutions, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
Shelley Poticha, Director, Urban Solutions, Natural Resources Defense Council

“There really is no conflict between saying you would like to have more infrastructure investment and saying that you’re an environmentalist. They’re one and the same. The challenge is that the plans and projects that are on the books in many states run counter to what we need in our communities to protect people. And that’s where we need to take a hard look at what kind of infrastructure we’re investing in, because the same-old, same-old as we just saw through these two big storms isn’t going to get us there.”

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The Oroville Dam Spillway Incident

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
Oroville Dam Spillway Incident: Dam Spillway after incident

While some repair work is moving forward at Oroville, significant issues remain to be addressed. This incident is a wake-up call for action on several fronts at this facility and thousands of other high-hazard dams in the United States to ensure a safe and reliable water system that protects communities and the rivers that flow through them. A warming climate with changing precipitation patterns underscores the urgency.

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Responsible for what? Carbon producer CO2 contributions and the energy transition

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017
CO2 contributions - Sherco Generating Station - Photo by Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota

The article this accompanies is the third in an important series. The foundational analysis of the contributions of major carbon producers to atmospheric CO2 emissions and methane emissions was the first to appear (Heede 2014), followed by a rich and concrete analysis of the moral responsibilities of the major carbon producers in light of those contributions (Frumhoff et al. 2015). This third analysis not only refines the calculations of the contributions of major carbon producers to atmospheric CO2 and methane emissions but also expands the calculations to include the contributions of those same producers to global mean surface temperature and global sea level (Ekwurzel et al. 2017).

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Missouri City, TX: Aerial Footage of Harvey Aftermath

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Drone footage from showmecity on YouTube travels over Missouri City, Texas, to show the extent of flooding and other damage wreaked by Hurricane Harvey.

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Governor announces Commission to Rebuild Texas

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

Construction, machinery, building products and engineering firms will be in high demand. Following Hurricane Katrina alone, a $100 million emergency FEMA contract was awarded to a construction and engineering firm for housing management and construction. Another similar firm also earned a $100 million contract to provide temporary housing and communications tools to hurricane victims. And a $30.9 million contract was awarded for repair of a bridge on Interstate 10.

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California Green Innovation Index

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Despite moves from the current federal administration to roll back policies that manage carbon-intensive energy sources, California continues to lead in implementing statewide policies that incentivize innovation in business, technology and carbon reduction. While California provides a strong template for others to follow in sustaining economic growth while pursuing climate change mitigation policies, there is still work to be done to ensure the state meets its emission reduction goals. Indicators relating to the carbon economy help track this progress and illustrate the changing relationship between economic vitality and environmental quality.

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Damage repair resulting from Hurricane Harvey projected at $160 billion

Thursday, August 31st, 2017
Damage repair resulting from Hurricane Harvey projected at $160 billion width=

With a current price tag estimated at $160 billion for emergency and recovery efforts, the private sector will play a major role in providing for cleanup and revitalization. Contracting opportunities will be plentiful for thousands of companies and Texas and Texans will welcome their assistance.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Anita van Breda, Senior Director, Environment and Disaster Management, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Anita van Breda on The Infra Blog

If there is a change in the direction at the federal level, that means it’s all the more important that we at our individual and at our state and our county levels, make sure we are doing more to step up our engagement. We see examples from different mayors and different cities who are being quite proactive on the climate issue, and corporations are stepping forward, and so we have to focus on where there’s positive momentum and support that moving forward.

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Natural and Nature-Based Flood Management

Friday, August 18th, 2017
The Flood Green Guide

The Flood Green Guide organizes flood management methods into two categories: structural and non-structural. Structural methods involve physical changes to natural features or human infrastructure, including engineered (hard) methods (sometimes referred to as gray methods), such as dams or floodways, and natural and nature-based (soft) methods (sometimes referred to as green methods), such as wetland protection, upper watershed restoration or rain gardens.

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It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure