The Infra Blog

Guest on The Infra Blog: Richard Anderson, President, The New York Building Congress

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Richard T. Anderson is President of the New York Building Congress. An advocate of strategic infrastructure investment and economic development, he has dedicated his career to promoting the long-term growth of America’s foremost urban centers, primarily New York City.

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The Train to Nowhere: Three More Critical Perspectives

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Lest you think Washington has begun a new era of fiscal self-restraint, consider this week’s act of political retribution by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. Newly elected GOP Governors in Ohio and Wisconsin wanted to kill high-speed rail projects in their states and instead use the money to fix their battered roads. Sorry, guys. Mr. LaHood reclaimed the $1.2 billion and handed it to 13 other states that still want to build these high-speed trains to nowhere.

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Commission on Fiscal Responsibility Calls for Gas Tax Increase

Monday, December 6th, 2010

A new report from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform says that “Our nation is on an unsustainable fiscal path…The problem is real, and the solution will be painful.” The Commission recommends a 15-cent per gallon gas tax increase to fund transportation infrastructure.

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California’s “Train to Nowhere”

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Innovation NewsBriefs Vol. 21, No. 30 On December 2, the California High Speed Rail Authority approved  a staff recommendation to  begin construction of California’s 500-mile high-speed line with a 65-mile segment of track in Central Valley, from Borden in Madera County (pop. 57,000), through Fresno  to Corcoran (pop. 14,500) north of Bakersfield.  Roelof van Ark, […]

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The Unraveling of the High-Speed Rail Program: A News Analysis

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

The future Republican House leadership is determined to retrieve whatever remains of the unspent and uncommitted stimulus (ARRA) funds. So has stated Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), the prospective House Appropriations Committee chairman, as he introduced a bill (H.R. 6403, the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Rescission Act”) to rescind any unobligated ARRA funds and return them to the U.S. Treasury. Even already obligated ARRA funds may be at risk. Congressional GOP aides are reported to be closely reviewing agency records to identify particular stimulus-funded projects that could still be “reasonably” halted because work on them is only beginning.

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A Fresh Look at the Prospects for Transportation in the New Congress

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

Last month we conducted an informal survey among colleagues in the transportation community about the outlook for the federal surface transportation program in the year(s) ahead…One comment from a veteran transportation insider summed up concisely the collective mindset: “There will be nothing ‘transformational’ about the future program,” he opined.

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2010 Voters Support Transportation Funding

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

The Center for Transportation Excellence (CFTE) released a chart showing that 44 of the 57 transportation measures on the ballot in 2010 have passed, for an overall success rate of 77%. “Yesterday’s results at the ballot box reaffirm a decade worth of data demonstrating voters’ overwhelming support for investment in public transportation,” said CFTE Executive […]

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A rail reality check that President Obama should heed

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

Innovation NewsBriefs Vol. 21, No. 28 PRESIDENT OBAMA wants Americans to zip around in high-speed trains, just as many  Japanese, French, and Chinese already do. For him, the goal seems almost as much about  national pride as job creation or energy savings. “There’s no reason that Europe or China should have the fastest trains,” he has said. […]

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What’s NOT to get?

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Infra repairs = jobs.
Long-term investment will result in generations of improved roads, safer bridges, more efficient transportation systems and so much more.

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Blogineering: 50 Infra Resources

Monday, November 15th, 2010
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA

Blogineering, a site that focuses on providing a “sanctum where engineers and those interested…can find advice, hacks, and commentary on many of the important engineering topics of the day” has posted an article entitled: “50 Must-See Report Cards, Studies, and Infographs on America’s Crumbling Infrastructure.” The article offers up a list of resources that discuss […]

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure