The Infra Blog

Guest on The Infra Blog: Andrew Curtis Right, Executive Director, Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC)

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015
Andrew Curtis Right, Executive Director, BATIC

Andrew Curtis Right is Counselor to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation and Executive Director of the Build America Transportation Investment Center. The Build America Transportation Investment Center serves as the single point of contact and coordination for states, municipalities and project sponsors looking to utilize federal transportation expertise, apply for federal transportation credit programs and explore ways to access private capital in public private partnerships.

“If you’re going to build a road today you’ve got to bid out the contract, and someone has to pay for it. And in the past the money has typically come from the Highway Trust Fund, or from the federal government, or from state and local taxes, et cetera. Going forward, the issue is a P3 really involves a different layer of procuring and risk sharing, and effectively of financing, where the state or the municipality or the sponsor doesn’t have to pay up front as part of a contract…”

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NYC: BALCONY Gateway Breakfast Forum, November 13th

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

BALCONY (the Business And Labor Coalition Of New York) is hosting a breakfast forum in honor of the Gateway Project, a proposal for rail-based infrastructure improvements in the New York metro area. The BALCONY Gateway Breakfast Forum will take place on November 13th, 2015, in the ballroom of 4 West 43rd St.

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Professional Women in Construction (PWC) Hosts Inaugural Buildings & Infrastructure Seminar, Thursday, November 5

Monday, October 26th, 2015
PWC Buildings & Infrastructure Seminar

On Thursday, November 5, Professional Women in Construction (PWC)’s inaugural Buildings & Infrastructure Seminar will offer an opportunity to network with heads of public agencies and executives at top firms about infrastructure and development in New York City and the broader area. The forum takes place at 3 West Club, 3 West 51st Street in New York City, from 5:30 pm (program starts at 6:30) until 8 pm.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Philip K. Howard, Founder & Chair, Common Good

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015
Philip K. Howard on The Infra Blog

Philip K. Howard is a well-known leader of government and legal reform in America. In 2002, he formed Common Good, a nonpartisan national coalition dedicated to restoring common sense to America.

“…we’re at one of those points where lots of things have to change in our society, and one of them happens to be the legal infrastructure. You can’t have a democracy where the people you elect actually don’t have the authority that goes along with their responsibility…it’s kind of a form of legal mental illness. It’s bad for everybody. Bad for the environment, bad for costs, bad for everybody.”

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States’ Role in Solving a National Crisis

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Written by Patrick Jones
Over the last couple of years, a new group of players has burst onto the scene with the local knowledge and sense of urgency to break the financial deadlock behind our nation’s infrastructure crisis. With Congress still considering how to pay for a possible short-term or long-term highway transportation funding bill, it’s becoming ever clearer that regional and state governments hold the key to a tough problem that pits the value we attach to mobility against lingering resistance to paying for the services we need.

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Innovative Financing Helps Universities Grow

Tuesday, October 13th, 2015
Texas A&M University Campus - Photo by Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University recently announced plans to expand its student housing capacity by more than 3,400 beds with a unique agreement between public and private partners worth over $360 million. The announcement is similar to dozens just like it throughout the country. Student housing on university campuses is an extremely large, growing marketplace and most of the new projects are collaborative efforts called public-private partnerships (P3s).

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Multi-year Highway Bill Facing Continued Uncertainties

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Innovation Newsbriefs
Vol. 26, No. 7 (update)
Those who have hoped to see an end to the seemingly endless series of short-term extensions and looked forward to a passage of the long- awaited multi-year transportation bill this year, may have to wait a bit longer. While the Senate has managed to pass its version of a six year bill (though only with enough funding for three years and employing questionable “pay-fors.”) the House Transportation and Infrastructure committee is still waiting to hear from the Ways and Means Committee concerning the funding of its proposed bill, an issue that threatens to delay committee markup and floor action past mid- October according to congressional sources.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Johan Henriksson, Executive Vice President, Skanska Infrastructure Development

Wednesday, October 7th, 2015

Johan Henriksson was recently appointed Executive Vice President of Skanska Infrastructure Development…In May 2015, Skanska and its LaGuardia Gateway Partners team were selected as the preferred bidder to work with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to redevelop LaGuardia Airport’s Central Terminal Building. The company is also working on the I-4 Ultimate Project in Orlando, which is currently the largest transportation project underway in Florida, and theElizabeth River Tunnels project underneath the Elizabeth River in Virginia.

“The PPP Structure I think is a very good solution for many projects…it’s about, I think, daring to look outside the box here and trying to look at new potential solutions to solve old problems, and not always using the same old tools that have always been used, the public financing.”

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Guest on The Infra Blog: David Raymond, President & CEO, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)

Tuesday, September 29th, 2015
David Raymond, President & CEO, American Council of Engineering Companies

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) is the voice of America’s engineering industry. David A. Raymond has been President of ACEC for the past 16 years, joining the Council in March 1999.

“Americans are very resilient people; they put up with a lot, their country is becoming more of a third-world country, and it’s very unfortunate and I hate to say, the only time Americans are really going to wake up to this is when stuff absolutely disappears…So we need leaders who can point to the areas where we need to make much greater progress and we don’t have those leaders. We need a public that is much better educated about infrastructure and other areas, and we don’t have that.”

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CALSTART Successfully Commercializing Zero-Emission Buses

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
John Boesel

CALSTART, a non-profit member organization, has been expanding and supporting the clean transportation sector since 1992. Its president and CEO John Boesel checked in with TPR when zero-emission buses recently achieved a milestone. He gives readers a status report on advanced-bus technology and the market for these vehicles, as well as commenting on California regulators’ impact on the clean-vehicle industry in the state.

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InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure