The Infra Blog

After the Election: Infrastructure and President Trump

Thursday, November 10th, 2016
Donald Trump, President-Elect

Early in the morning on Wednesday, November 9th, President-Elect Donald Trump emerged victorious after a highly controversial campaign. The win came as a surprise to many, forcing stakeholders across the infrastructure industries to re-think the future in terms of policy, funding, and political will. Below are a few highlights that offer an idea of the broad spectrum of reactions within the infrastructure world.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Ed Mortimer, Executive Director of Transportation Infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
Ed Mortimer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“I think it’s the first time in recent history that we’ve seen two presidential candidates talk about the infrastructure needs and willingness to address the infrastructure funding deficit…So we really feel like the public is starting to get more engaged, starting to understand that we do have infrastructure needs around the country and are willing to come to the table to have serious discussions to figure out how to solve these problems.”

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Gregory Wetstone, President and CEO, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)

Wednesday, October 26th, 2016
Gregory Wetstone on The Infra Blog

“We’re at a point now where, with more than $44 billion last year, aggregate investment in the U.S. in renewable energy is over $370 billion…In a lot of the developed world, renewables are the biggest single infrastructure investment that’s going on. You’re actually seeing more spent on renewables than on traditional infrastructure like roads and bridges, which is a pretty big surprise.”

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Infographic: Here’s How the Grid Works

Friday, October 14th, 2016

With more than 450,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines (not including distribution lines), the US electricity grid is clearly a behemoth. But how many times have you really given a thought to this huge, incredible network that generates electricity, carries it miles and miles, and powers our Netflix binges, our holiday lights, and our refrigerators? Here’s the breakdown, from the Energy Department:

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Sergio Pecori, P.E., Chairman and CEO, Hanson Professional Services Inc. and Chair-Elect, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016
Sergio Pecori on The Infra Blog

…I think that the public and government officials feel as though infrastructure isn’t as critical as it used to be back 20, 25 years ago…They’ll put up with defects in the pavement, they’ll put up with bridge deterioration, where before, and in other countries, transportation is expected to be in very good condition…And here I think we have a new normal. The expectation has really decreased, and there’s a new normal that the expectations are lower.

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Smart Cities and Disruptive Technologies at the ACEC Fall Conference in Colorado Springs, October 19-22

Thursday, September 29th, 2016
ACEC Fall Conference

Future urban infrastructure will be intelligent, connected, and aware. Get a jumpstart on this fast-moving trend with an expert panel on Smart Cities and Disruptive Technologies on Friday, Oct. 21, 2016, as part of the upcoming American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Fall Conference in Colorado Springs, October 19-22.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Jonathan F.P. Rose, Sustainable Developer and Author of “The Well-Tempered City”

Monday, September 19th, 2016
Jonathan F.P. Rose

“When you look throughout history, when there is a combination of climate change, resource depletion, and enormous income inequality, civilizations fall apart, and we see collapse. And when there’s a lot of social cohesion, then civilizations are able to overcome some of the stresses they’re facing. And so these issues are all interrelated, and as much as we need behavior changes and energy-systems changes, and a lot of technological and certainly infrastructure changes to deal with climate change, at the root we also need to create a more equitable social system to accomplish them.”

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Richard Dolesh, Vice President of Conservation & Parks, National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)

Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Richard Dolesh on The Infra Blog

“The idea of green infrastructure in parks is beautifully suited to the whole notion of community engagement and empowerment…Citizens often feel they don’t have a voice in how their government works and the projects that they commit to and how money is spent, but in the notion of putting green infrastructure stormwater management in parks, it opens up a whole new realm of how and what citizens can do to influence the outcomes of how stormwater is managed.”

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Interactive Report: The Real Price of Gas

Tuesday, August 30th, 2016
Gas price map

With transit bills, electric cars and other non-gas-guzzling transportation options reeling from late-2014’s sudden drop in oil prices, a lot of us are wondering just how cheap our gasoline really is. A new interactive report released by Bloomberg ranks the affordability of gasoline around the world, showing how we stack up against our international peers.

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Build Your Own NYC Subway

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

How would you like to be in charge of re-designing one of the biggest, busiest subway systems in the world? The New York City subway currently serves nearly 5.7 million people each weekday (thats about 1.8 billion riders in 2015), and now it’s your turn to see if you can make the system work better.

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Dear Friends,


It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure