The Infra Blog

Guest on The Infra Blog: Eileen O’Neill, Executive Director, Water Environment Federation (WEF)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017
Eileen O

“In some communities, there is an affordability challenge. What we see, particularly on the clean-water side, is that in the 1970s when our systems were being built up, there was a federal investment; there were construction grants, there was enormous growth, but there has been a decline in that investment at the federal level. I believe the figure used to be at 63% federal invested; that’s gone down to 9% these days. So it’s the local communities that are actually paying the cost of these systems, and they need to understand the value and the importance of the systems to the quality of life, and to the economic vitality of their communities.”

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ACEC Engineering Excellence 2017: Route 72 Bridge in Ocean County, NJ

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
2017 ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards

WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff of Lawrenceville, NJ, has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for its design of the new Route 72 Bridge over Manahawkin Bay in Ocean County, NJ.

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Letter to Transportation Secretary Chao: We Cannot Streamline Our Way Out of Our Transportation Funding Shortfall

Monday, April 17th, 2017

Dear Secretary Chao: We write to encourage you to work with Congress to build consensus around real solutions to rebuild our Nation’s infrastructure. To achieve our shared goal of completing transportation projects that will bolster America’s economic competitiveness, it is essential that we work together to identify ways to provide robust increases in Federal funding for surface transportation.

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Transportation Leaders to Discuss Future Investment Outlook at Upcoming ACEC Annual Convention

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017
ACEC Convention 2017

A national transportation panel will address Trump Administration infrastructure investment proposals, public-private partnerships, and contracting out on Monday, April 24th as part of the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) Annual Convention, to be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.

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Join RPA Assembly 2017: April 21st, NYC

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
RPA Assembly 2017: Joe Biden, Keynote Speaker

This year’s Assembly will feature high-profile speakers and panel discussions on how the tri-state area can fulfill the promise of economic opportunity, meet the challenge of climate change and stay competitive with metropolitan areas around the world.

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Join Smart Cities NYC ’17: May 3-6, 2017

Monday, April 10th, 2017
Smart Cities NYC ’17: Powered by People

Smart Cities NYC ’17: Powered by People (May 3-6) will convene global mayors, CTOs, CIOs, and private sector and NGO leaders to explore how innovation and smart infrastructure are transforming cities, improving urban life, and creating more inclusive economies. The groundbreaking SCNYC17 conference and expo will be hosted at the historic Brooklyn Navy Yard with our multi-sector sponsors and partners, including Microsoft, Smart Dubai, and Cities for Life, among others.

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Infrastructure: An Investment Worth Making

Thursday, April 6th, 2017
Aerial Interchange - Infrastructure

America’s infrastructure is the safest investment our nation can make. But investing means more than tossing money at the problem. We need to streamline approval for construction projects, create more opportunities for public-private partnerships, and find a sustainable long-term funding mechanism to guarantee that projects can be completed down the road.

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ACEC Engineering Excellence 2017: Fox River Bridge, Illinois

Tuesday, April 4th, 2017
Fox River Bridge, Illinois

The Chicago, Ill.-based joint venture of Stanley Consultants, Inc., and Chastain/Thomas has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for the Fox River Bridge in Elgin, Ill.

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Interested in upcoming opportunities? Best not to overlook thousands resulting from bond elections

Friday, March 31st, 2017
School Bus

General contractors, engineers, technology, security and architectural firms watch school bond elections carefully because the bond packages represent upcoming opportunities worth billions of dollars. One must wonder why thousands of other types of firms are not watching bond elections as diligently also…Here are just a few examples of school bond issues that were either recently approved or are up for approval in May of this year.

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ACEC Engineering Excellence 2017: Manahawkin Bay Bridge Project, New Jersey

Thursday, March 30th, 2017
Jacobs Engineering, Route 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridge Contract 2, H5

Jacobs Engineering Group of Morristown, N.J., has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 50th annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for its role in the Route 72 Manahawkin Bay Bridge project, between Stafford and Ship Bottom, N.J.

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It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure