The Infra Blog

How much do we care about water resources and water safety?

Monday, February 26th, 2018
Trump infrastructure plan - water infrastructure

Now that the Trump infrastructure plan has been released, the question is, “Will it hold water?” That’s a question of high interest to people who deal with water issues on a daily basis.  City, county and state officials who need financial assistance for projects related to water resources and water systems had hoped for some sort of timely help from Congress.  It appears, however, that no immediate assistance will be forthcoming. Despite bipartisan support for infrastructure reform, there is no consensus on how to get started.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Stephen K. Benjamin, Mayor of Columbia, SC

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
Mayor Steve Benjamin, Columbia, SC

Across this country, 85% of our citizens now live in cities and metropolitan economies. 89% of the jobs are in the cities and in metropolitan economies. 91% of America’s nearly $20 trillion GDP is created in cities and metropolitan economies. We are driving the economic growth of this country. And our message is that by partnering with mayors, by looking at the creative solutions that are being deployed all across this country, seeing the innovative ideas, seeing the massive investment in infrastructure, but also embracing the idea of inclusion and ways in which we can all move forward together, is the way to go…We’re always coming around the table. That’s the strength, I believe, of being a mayor and having to always listen to every opinion, not gerrymandered ideas with narrow constituencies. We’re going to continue to do that.

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Trump’s Infrastructure Plan is out – and controversy is rampant!

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

Written by Mary Scott Nabers President and CEO, Strategic Partnerships Inc. President Trump released his Infrastructure Plan on Monday and to no surprise…it pleased almost no one…other than perhaps those who crafted it.  Some have questioned whether the plan pleases anyone. The plan has been touted as a $1.5 trillion investment but there is actually […]

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Reactions to the White House Infrastructure Proposal

Thursday, February 15th, 2018
Trump Infrastructure Plan 2018

As expected, President Trump’s “Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America” proved divisive among stakeholders. This post offers a selection of reactions to the White House infrastructure proposal.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: John Schroer, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Transportation

Thursday, February 8th, 2018
John Schroer on The Infra Blog

The issue that we’re very concerned with nationally…is making sure that our mainstay of funding transportation projects, the Trust Fund, is solvent, and it’s just not right now. We’re very concerned that that may possibly fall by the wayside with this new infrastructure plan, which would be more project based, and puts more emphasis on funding through other sources other than the federal government and will make it difficult for rural states like Tennessee in most states in this country to keep up with the current demand that we have on maintaining our infrastructure.

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State of the Union Address: Reactions from the Infrastructure Community

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

Trump’s first State of the Union address lasted a respectable 1 hour and 20 minutes, and delved into a familiar set of issues: jobs, economic growth, immigration, and national security. Infrastructure made a brief appearance, but many stakeholders around the country, on both sides of the aisle, are left with questions about the exact nature of Trump’s $1.5 trillion infrastructure proposal.

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President’s ‘leaked draft plan’ for infrastructure holds high interest

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

The expanded use and funding for Private Activity Bonds (PABs) has again taken over the spotlight in infrastructure debate in America. A six-page document claimed to be the draft outline for President Trump’s long-awaited national infrastructure plan was leaked this week and PABs are among the major infrastructure funding principles addressed. 

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U.S. News Ranks the Best States for Infrastructure

Friday, January 19th, 2018
Best States for Infrastructure

U.S. News and World Report recently released a comprehensive list ranking infrastructure across the fifty states. The list focuses on three key items: energy, transportation and internet. These infrastructure rankings are part of a series of similar lists authored by the same organization, including Best States Overall, Health Care Rankings and Economy Rankings. According to Brian Kelly, editor and chief content officer at U.S. News, “The value of a ranking like this is we use our judgment to say, it’s not just one thing that makes a state great. It’s a combination of things.”

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2017: The Year in Infrastructure

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018
2017: The Year in Infrastructure

2017 was, by many accounts, a turbulent year. Infrastructure was no exception.

Whether due to new political paradigms, unprecedented natural disasters or new funding opportunities, American infrastructure faced a wide range of challenges throughout the year. Here, we recount some of the key infra topics that shaped discussion–and action–in 2017.

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State funding continues to shrink – most large public projects will require alternative types of funding in 2018

Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

Public officials in states that have been cash-strapped for the last number of years have already exhausted internal creativity and innovation. There are just so many ways to do “more with less” and most say they have no new ideas left. In states that enacted fee and tax increases, the total net result was only $9.9 billion in additional revenue. Now lawmakers and budget gurus must explore alternative funding options. That’s because some projects and budget items simply cannot be overlooked, decreased or eliminated.

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Dear Friends,


It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure