The Infra Blog

Guest on The Infra Blog: Chris Ward, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive of Metro New York at AECOM

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

I think there are a variety of very seismic forces that have been occurring in the American economy and America culturally which are driving to questions about cities. Historically, America has always understood itself and its future somewhat within the model of moving away from town, moving away from cities. That all has now flipped itself on its head in that more and more people are now moving back into cities. They’re staying in cities and cities are growing in ways that we probably didn’t expect 20-25 years ago when the suburban model or the exurban model was where we thought our future was going to be. That is a huge cultural shift for the United States.

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Senate provides infrastructure funding in new minibus appropriations bill

Monday, August 6th, 2018

Although there is no compromise in sight on an omnibus spending bill, House members left the Capitol for a month-long August break. However, members of the Senate stayed behind and just passed a “minibus” appropriations package. The package includes allocations to several federal agencies, including billions of dollars in funding for the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).

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Cities seek partnerships for affordable housing projects

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

The lack of affordable housing has become a national problem. The Urban Institute reports that for every 100 low-income American households seeking affordable apartments, fewer than 30 units are available. And the National Apartment Association reports 4.6 million new units will be needed by 2030.  City leaders need homes near the heart of the city for people who are employed by law enforcement, fire departments, emergency response units, school districts and health care facilities… and in most urban areas, affordable homes simply don’t exist.

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Asset recycling – a trend that is becoming common

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Written by Mary Scott Nabers President and CEO, Strategic Partnerships Inc. Since the release of President Trump’s infrastructure plan earlier this year, not a lot has happened…at least not much related to funding. And, there are few signs that anything will happen anytime soon. The idea of infusing $200 billion in federal funds to spur […]

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No question about the need for water…but where is the funding? 

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

Legislation for water infrastructure funding is already moving through Congress. The House passed its Energy & Water Appropriation Bill prior to the July 4 recess and the Senate approved a bill that includes $43.8 billion for energy and water programs.

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America’s Best (and Worst) Cities for Driving

Friday, July 13th, 2018

A new online report from WalletHub offers a comparison of America’s 100 most-populated cities, ranking the 10 best and worst cities for driving. The AI-based financial advice company based their list on four metrics:  1) Cost of Ownership & Maintenance, 2) Traffic & Infrastructure, 3) Safety and 4) Access to Vehicles & Maintenance.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Kristina Swallow, President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Monday, July 9th, 2018

We didn’t get here to the state of our current infrastructure overnight. It took us decades. It took us a generation to get here. The report card obviously is a tool to help convey the condition so everybody understands what we’re talking about and the impact on our lives. While we’ve been doing it now for some time, it has taken time to build that momentum, to build the understanding so that, today, it is being regularly used as a communication point and regularly used to help drive the conversation at all political levels: at the state, federal and local levels.

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U.S. cities – the hot new technology marketplace

Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

There’s a huge new marketplace emerging and it’s definitely worthy of watching.  The Internet of Things (IoT) is coming on strong…so strong, in fact, that the IoT marketplace is expected to exceed $130 billion by 2024. Here’s what the experts say to expect – by 2020 – IoT service offerings related to discrete manufacturing, transportation and logistics and utility industries.  In just these three areas, projections are that each will represent $40 billion in spending on platforms, systems and services.  That’s a big deal!

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‘Who Are You Going To Call?’ IBTTA Finance Summit Meets A Crucial Need

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

“As fuel tax revenues decline, many states and localities are considering tolling to deliver needed transportation infrastructure improvements,” the program states. The big question for tolling veterans is a crucial one: “How can we help them dip their toe in the tolling waters?” A general session moderated by co-Chief Meeting Organizer Allison C. de Cerreño, Ph.D of The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will include a 101 introduction to toll revenue financing, plus presentations on public-private partnership (P3) models and methods of calculating social and financial benefits from alternative project financing and delivery strategies.

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New rule to speed federal regulatory processes could ramp up interest in transportation P3s

Monday, June 11th, 2018

The new rule, Private Investment Project Procedures (PIPP), which is scheduled to go into effect June 29, lines up with the administration’s goal of encouraging private investment in infrastructure projects nationwide. The President’s original infrastructure plan was for the federal government to invest $200 billion in order to encourage more than $1.5 trillion in investment revenue from other sources.

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It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure