The Infra Blog

Construction related to healthcare facilities will require many changes

Thursday, February 28th, 2019
Healthcare Infrastructure - Mary Scott Nabers

There is no alternative to providing citizens with healthcare services and government leaders are searching for ways to upgrade, modernize and expand existing facilities while constructing new ones. The country’s healthcare infrastructure has definitely attracted national attention and that will stimulate demand for construction services significantly in the next few years.

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Funding from a multitude of sources will boost campus construction in 2019

Monday, February 11th, 2019
Public University Infrastructure Construction

It would be hard to find individuals anywhere who disagree with the importance of higher education, but public funding has not kept up with campus and teaching needs. University executives scramble every year to cobble together revenue from dozens of sources and that will obviously continue in 2019.

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Artificial intelligence now a trusted partner in emergency situations

Monday, February 4th, 2019
Artificial intelligence in emergency situations

Artificial intelligence has now added a new dimension to planning and mitigation. By analyzing data, AI offers much-improved forecasting models for floods. AI can also track the progress of wildfires. When linked with drone technology, AI is adept at locating missing persons after a disaster and providing accurate information regarding damaged buildings and landscapes to make rescue efforts faster and safer. It is efficient, less costly and amazingly accurate.

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Is Infrastructure (once more) emerging as a federal priority?

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Although the federal government shutdown has dominated media headlines for more than a month, another subject – a cornerstone of the Trump presidential campaign – is sneaking its way back into the news.

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Guest on The Infra Blog: Frederick G. “Bud” Wright, Former Executive Director, AASHTO

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
Bud Wright, Executive Director, AASHTO

…both with the Trump administration and certainly with the Congress, there’s an acknowledgment that we need to do more, that infrastructure is the backbone of a thriving economy…Now, the differences begin pretty soon after you get past that statement, because I think there is great division in the country about whose responsibility it is. The Trump administration has sought to incentivize state and local governments in the private sector…I think state and local governments, certainly the members of our association, AASHTO, the state Departments of Transportation, see the federal component of investment in transportation infrastructure as critically important because it really is the foundation upon which state DOTs build to provide for the transportation investment needs within their states or within their communities.

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Transportation infrastructure is bearing much of the brunt of the government shutdown

Thursday, January 24th, 2019

The longest government shutdown in history continues and the impact has spread far beyond government workers and their families. It is difficult to find any business, school, hospital, city, county, college, university or local government organization that is not suffering as a result of the shutdown. The negative impact on retail establishments of all types, farmers, contractors, social service organizations and citizen workers has been great as well. It strikes at the heart of the country’s economic stability and it is devastating for issues related to the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

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Government shutdown has halted federal funding for critical rebuilding needs throughout the country

Thursday, January 17th, 2019

Citizens and public officials continue to wait…and wait…and wait! It has been almost 18 months since Hurricanes Harvey and Irma devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast. It’s been almost a year since Congress earmarked $16 billion in federal funding for rebuilding and resiliency efforts.  Yet, states impacted by the disasters have yet to see the $16 billion that was promised by Congress. 

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A 2019 Trend Worthy of Watching

Thursday, January 10th, 2019

Written by Mary Scott Nabers President and CEO, Strategic Partnerships Inc. While thousands of road projects languish for lack of funding, 2019 promises to be a banner year for new transit projects. Big changes are coming, funding is available and contracting opportunities will be abundant.

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Funding for transportation infrastructure projects – now flowing to cities and states!

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019
BUILD Grants - U.S. Department of Transportation

There’s new funding – $1.5 billion – now available to fund critical transportation projects.  Government officials are moving quickly to finalize plans and contracting solicitations should be rolled out soon. 

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Momentum builds for infrastructure improvements

Monday, December 17th, 2018
Kenneth Fisher, InfrastructureUSA Senior Fellow

While little progress has been made since candidate Donald Trump promised a half trillion dollar infrastructure program, or since he revealed a $200 billion federal spending plan which could theoretically leverage both state and private investment earlier this year, chances have improved that a meaningful appropriation could be adopted in the new Congress. 

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Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure