The Infra Blog

Water infrastructure projects face almost no funding shortages anywhere in the U.S.

Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocated the largest amount of funding ever to be invested in the country’s water resources.  More than $50 billion was earmarked to specifically improve the country’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. In addition to that funding, almost every state has also increased its funding commitments to improving water infrastructure.  Water […]

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$2 billion in funding announced for new projects statewide

Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

The director of a federal program with a very long name – Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity – just announced that more than $2 billion has just been awarded to officials at the state and local levels of government. The new funding was allocated to various types of new infrastructure projects throughout the […]

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Feasibility Studies signal high interest in upcoming projects

Friday, July 7th, 2023

It is impossible to predict with certainty the total success of any new, complex project, but public officials strive to do everything possible to lessen risk factors. A feasibility study is one way to examine the practicality of any project. The final report outlines risks and evaluates all aspects of a project including the economic impact, […]

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Government officials are now launching critical projects once passed over because of funding restrictions

Thursday, July 6th, 2023

America’s infrastructure, which includes every critical component of life for citizens, is receiving long-overdue attention. With available funding, cities, counties, institutions of higher education, school districts and hospitals are launching projects of every size and type, and most of the funding is coming from the federal government or private sector investments. It is important to […]

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America’s aviation sector provides very fertile ground for public-private sector collaborations

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

America’s airports are abuzz as big changes take place. Upgrades, expansions, diverse transportation options, and all kinds of new amenity projects are either underway or being prepared for launch. Planning is rampant as air travel is modernized, made safer and more convenient. However, the current activity and the projects underway at airports today will likely […]

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Time is ticking… parties interested in ARPA funding or contracting to deliver ARPA projects should be moving now

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

Federal funding is still flowing to state and local government officials. Approximately $306 billion appears to currently be in transition. Most of this funding is coming from one of the very first large funding bills passed by Congress – the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The funding is available for a wide variety of projects […]

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Current public projects reflect innovation, new delivery models, and unique outcomes

Monday, June 19th, 2023

It would be difficult to think of any type of contracting or technology solution that could not find an immediate implementation opportunity somewhere in the United States today. Project launches scheduled to start through 2023 and 2024 ‘cover the waterfront’ and they all require construction, engineering, security, landscaping, all types of technology and more. The […]

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State leaders should support local officials and provide whatever is needed to make application for billions of federal funding waiting to be claimed – A deadline is looming

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Although Congress began passing bills to make historic and massive amounts of funding available to state and local governments a couple of years ago, much of the funding is still waiting to be claimed. There are two reasons for that. The federal government does not move quickly. Once the legislation was signed, funding was directed […]

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Rail projects are rolling out almost faster than trains can move

Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

There’s an abundance of federal funding just waiting to be lavished on passenger rail projects in America. A massive amount of assistance and support will be available for light rail transit, heavy rail transit, commuter rail, intercity rail and high-speed rail projects throughout the country. Many of the earliest projects will launch first in the […]

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The multi-trillion-dollar government marketplace is rarely impacted by economic uncertainty or market trends

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

Even as a potential recession dampens the enthusiasm for commercial spending plans, the public sector continues to advance large, complex projects of record breaking magnitude. This is partially because public officials have many funding options, and they are faced with critical infrastructure needs. Many are using alternative funding and innovative methods to deliver infrastructure projects […]

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Dear Friends,


It is encouraging to finally see clear signs of federal action to support a comprehensive US infrastructure investment plan.


Now more than ever, our advocacy is needed to keep stakeholders informed and connected, and to hold politicians to their promises to finally fix our nation’s ailing infrastructure.


We have already engaged nearly 280,000 users, and hoping to add many more as interest continues to grow.


We require your support in order to rise to this occasion, to make the most of this opportunity. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to


Steve Anderson

Managing Director


InfrastructureUSA: Citizen Dialogue About Civil Infrastructure